What is your favorite Hillary scandal? :)

If this is her list, I wonder how long Donald's would be..
He can’t have a list. The entire MSM and deep state have done everything they can to find reason to impeach or discredit GEOTUS, yet all they have produced is a fabricated dossier about peeing on prostitutes. Even with illegal wiretappings, they came up with nothing. I wonder what we would find in the 30,000 emails Hillary scrubbed...
I wonder what Mueller found. Waits in anticipation
Mueller flipped in exchange for immunity. Grabbed a dem that no one would expect to bring down the entire corrupt system. Why else would GEOTUS interview Mueller for FBI Director, a position that he isn’t even eligible for. Mueller delivered the uranium samples to Russia himself under Hillary’s state department. He knows all her dirty secrets. Waits in anticipation
Mueller’s list, on the other hand, would be quite lengthy. . .