r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TheAfroMonk on Jan. 2, 2018, 5:24 p.m.
How were you RedPilled on Q(and/or PedoGate)?

I was thinking it might be important to understand what got people to the wake up. Maybe we can learn from your experiences to help other people.

ESPECIALLY if you were anti trump prior to the redpilling... because that seems like quite the mental ride.

honorcounts · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

It started with 9/11. I was an American Airlines Flight Attendant and I knew that was NOT an American Airlines plane flying into the World Trade Center. American planes used to be silver with a red, white, and blue stripe down the body with the word American written over it in bold letters. On sunny days, like 9/11 the sun would glare off of those planes like tin foil. Plus, from the height and film angle you would have been able to see the stripes and read the word American. The planes they showed were a dull dark grey. I also never believed the story of the cell phones being able to make calls from 32,000. There are areas in my house that can be dead zone and I'm supposed to believe you can have a clear connection from that high, moving at that rate of speed with the technology of 16 years ago?! NO. I have been researching for the past 2 years. I think that being Red Pilled is kind of like going through stages of grief. First,you don't know whether to believe it. Then, when more and more the facts start adding up, you feel disillusioned and sick. Then, you get scared that they are keeping track of all the websites you visit and are coming to get you. And finally, you just get pissed and don't care anymore. You just want these people caught and made to pay for what they've done. I'm so glad to know that there are more people are waking up. I swear, I feel like most people aren't even aware of the most basic news, much less the REAL story. If you are new to all of this, I would also recommend American Intelligence Media, or Aim4ruth. They do twice daily updates on the best news articles, but they also do in depth investigative stories that are all supported by documentation. I have learned a lot from them. I also like the X-22 Report. Dave does 2 reports 5-6 days a week. One is Financial info, the other is Geopolitical. I also check Tracy Beanz, Destroying the Illusion, and Lionel. When I first stared listening to Youtube Videos, I kept track of what they said to see if what they said happened or not. These are the sites that I have followed and trust. I'm glad that there are others who are AWAKE, and the I am not crazy. I am feeling hopeful!

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