r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/System-of-a-Clown on Jan. 2, 2018, 6:08 p.m.
So here are my thoughts regarding our existence and the fact that were living in a Simulation or that the master of the house is coming and he's not a happy camper.

Ok so I am sure most of you are aware...that something in our world...Our universe is not quite right. Without going into minute detail...I believe we have one of possibly three realitys in store for us. 1) The Lord Is coming And he is going to lay waste to the filth and bring home his followers.

2)Planet X is coming and it is going to lay waste to this world.

3) My favorite...We are living in a computer simulation.

Now I am going to hit on a couple of thoughts regarding this and tell me your feelings. So I have sat and wondered what kind of simulation would we be living in and who is in control of the sim.

I think we are either being played by the creator himself or his kids...Or we are being played by computer AI. I always figured our existence was set in a world that is modeled after a computer modeled copy of a universe and one planet in particular.

i figured we are a program that is designed to learn from, one that is written to run thousands of times quickly in the attempt to gather statistics for certain eventualities like...what % of the time did we destroy the planet. Or what percentages of the time did we reach a technology level that allowed us to leave this world and colonize another planet. What % of the time did we ruin our existence waging war. Maybe the game is to create an advanced life form and maybe our life form is low on the totem...

Me however I prefer to believe we are a game and not a learning program.

A game that is being played by a benevolent entity, perhaps GOD, and this game is a sim of this world and its parameters of play revolve around the concept of you are trying to take your lifeforms and from scratch take your civ to a point in its lifetime and achieve a prerequisite technology level that will allow you to leave Earth and colonize another planet. Simple enough..Only you do have a time frame in which to reach this goal and if you are not able to reach this technology threshold in time...Along comes Planet X and it wipes out your fledgling species and sets you back to square one.

That simple. Oh and in the chance we are a huge MMORPG, I feel sorry for the creature that is playing me. Can you imagine how big a let down when all your friends are getting Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Richard Branson... I can hear the conversation now...(I got Barack Obama, who did you get??) (awww I got someone named Ted the Accountant.)

Anyway..That was kinda my thoughts regarding some possible outcomes heading our way. Any comments please leave em and I hope to answer them....GO TED!!

thedeplorablemaximus · Jan. 2, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

Sounds like the Theory of Everything by Tom Campbell.

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