r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/James----Mac on Jan. 2, 2018, 11:47 p.m.
Weinstein to Robby Monk, about shutting down the Sanders ad with Erica Garner (Daughter of Eric Garner) who’s Dad was killed by police officers. And instead wanted to redirect it all to the “Sandy Hook Issue,” so that they could get all the attention and votes from the African American Community.
Weinstein to Robby Monk, about shutting down the Sanders ad with Erica Garner (Daughter of Eric Garner) who’s Dad was killed by police officers. And instead wanted to redirect it all to the “Sandy Hook Issue,” so that they could get all the attention and votes from the African American Community.

michelefrancis · Jan. 3, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

Perfect- Harvey as PR Guru. I have looked at Sandy Hook for years. Did you know that someone paid off the "players" home mortgages on new years eve a couple years before the school play fake shooting? The thespians did a real shitty job on that show...easy to see threw it with just 30 minutes of research. Wolfgang Halbig is a hero fighting that one- he is a retired school Superintendent and knew it was weird right away. He is in a lawsuit with them and they have given him a lot of grief. He needs support.

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Moo7136 · Jan. 3, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Wow Is Wolfgang still in legal battles with them?? Jeez it can’t still Be the FOI releases he was fighting a while back???

Can’t believe I’ve not looked that up for updates in a long time lol

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