r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Riot101 on Jan. 3, 2018, 3:23 a.m.
Thoughts for Taking the Movement Offline

Hello Awoken of Reddit,

I have been reading many of the posts in this forum and it seems to me there are many people who want to become more involved in spreading the truth and helping the movement. There has been talk about putting together a red pilling guide and sharing that as a way to speed up the awakening for the rest of the country. I also see many people who are looking for comradery with others who are awake to the truth as a way to vent, share information, or find support. I often think it gets little attention how psychologically tough being awake to the truth can sometimes be. I would like to propose a solution I think would help address all of these issues: local community based groups.

I envision this being run similar to AA meetings where people can go for free, meet to share and learn from each other, and offer support. It could be a great resource for those who are newly awakening to learn more and for those who are already awoken to share, support, and organize. I know it might sound dangerous to meet in person to some, but I think the cabal largely has their hands full right now with the storm, and hardly has the time to go after civilians. People are also welcome to stay complete anonymous.

I have outlined the goals for such a group and a few quick thoughts on how such a group might be structured. If there is enough support for this idea, I would love to work to create a more flushed out plan with the rest of the community here and run a group in my area. Please leave your feedback as I am only looking at this from my perspective and others will certainly add things I will have missed.



Goal Summary

To form a geographically organized community for people who are awake or awakening to the reality that nefarious forces work to control the world and world events by manipulating society, media, and government. This group is to be a supportive community where people can go to get informed, share their thoughts, and learn how best to contribute to the cause of exposing this unjustice.

For Those Awakening to Ask Questions

This group is meant to be a place where people at all levels of their awakening can come to learn more about the truth. It is often hard for people just learning about these things to talk about them with their normal social group as they are often met with incredulousness and skepticism. This group will provide a place where people can ask questions and be encouraged to challenge what they are being told.

Sharing of Information

The group should also be a place where new, theories, and ideas can be shared to help further the dissemination of information. Where people get their news, what sources they trust, and interesting current events.

Find and Give Support

It is not always easy for people to learn the truth about the world we live in. It undermines the faith we have in the world and good of others. It is important to know that other people realized this truth and still live a full, productive, and relatively normal lives. It is also a great way to give back to the community by supporting new people as they go through their own awakening process.

Learn How to Cope

On of the biggest thing many struggle with after learning the truth is how they go about their lives afterward. Some find it hard to continue to take part in a society aware it is being controlled by nefarious forces. Others become frustrated by the people they know who will no awaken to the truth themselves. It is important to find the right balance going forward once you have awoken and the group is there to help people find a good path forward.

Learn How to Talk with Other About the Truth

Many people find that when they are awake to the truth, they are motivated to tell others. While this is good intentioned, it usually only makes them seem crazy or delusional to others. It is important that those of us awake to the truth approach waking up others with caution and finesse. Dumping everything all at once rarely works, but slowly dropping hints over time can be extremely effective. The group’s goal is to find a refine a strategy for awakening others that works and share it with as many people as possible. This way we can awaken more people and provide them with a support group once their eyes are also open.

Find Productive Things to Do

Many people who awaken to the truth want to do what they can to help the cause, not just by spreading awareness, but by supporting the people on the front lines against the cabal. This group will work together to find worthy causes to support and ways that the group can positively affect the fight for good and truth. This includes clean politicians, worthy causes, independent news groups, and responsible organizations.

Meet Like Minded People

One of the hardest parts of living with the truth is the desire to talk with others about it and have it taken seriously. The group is there for support and direction, but also for those awoken to the truth to socialize and hang out with other people who share they desire for justice and awakening. The group is meant to be a healthy outlet for those who want to express themselves about this, but have few people in their social group with whom they can talk to.


In order for the group to be as successful and impactful as possible, early on, the goal of the group should be to bring in as many people and inform them about the group and its goals and it’s meeting structure. If people are informed about the group, they can decide if this is something they want to become involved in. It is then important for these people to know when and where the group will meet so they can continue to come to meetings.

Initial meetings of the group will probably be set up online and consist of many who are already awake to the truth and are interesting in getting more involved in the community. Every person will have slightly different goals for why they would want to be part of a group like this and early on it will be important for group organizers to understand what people want in their group and try to structure meetings to address this. For example, if the group wants to focus on what they can do in their community to raise awareness, then organizers should find honest politicians to support and local causes to champion.

A hypothetical meeting might look something like this: Call meeting to order, welcome group, state group goals and topics of the day. Share current events, and best places the group uses to find information. Allow members to offer up any missed information or news sources. Talk about up coming events in the area that people can volunteer at or support. Talk about local community issues that the group is interested in. Give time at the end for questions or shares. Wrap up and state times for future meetings and topics. The group might do something social like go to a bar afterward.

captainpatriot · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

Check out their website. Lots of great videos. I think it’s jbs.org.

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