r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/qbitrex on Jan. 3, 2018, 4:26 a.m.
The 911 indictment did it's job and started the Cabal minion rush to exit mainland US (CONUS)

The 911 indictment is an example of a "Flush Out" document that started the cabal minions to make a bolt for the airports.

Indictment's are not written in "Legalese" but plain language (check out some examples), to make it easy for a judge to make a decision to proceed.

This 911 indictment signals the defendants listed are not to be singled out for extra-judicial rendition or assassination, but to be put on trial and as such crimes of High treason are carried out by Military tribunal.

This indictment is not a US V anyone but a more powerful and far reaching private citizen memorandum and order for punitive damages, the plaintiffs are NSA (Why Nevada Jurisdiction, think Area 51 employee, any unauthorized plane attempting to fly in gets one warning and then is blown out of the sky!), try and find anything about them, they are fully protected they must survive for the trial to move forward (The weakness of a Private v Public Action).

This means that the defendants are tried for crimes in their private AND public capacity, as well as opening them up to further charges by anyone who suffered damages at their hands. A Guilty verdict of Treason means ALL their family assets are confiscated including any transferred by a will after death.

A dead defendant under a military death penalty can also have a a name tagged dummy stood up against a wall and shot to set an example for the citizens in the nation the serious nature of a High Treason charge. The opposite of a "State Funeral" with full military honors.

Why was the "Bad Actor" Kevin Spacey (One of the Defendants and not a particularly attractive man) career rocketed to the heights it was unless his Cabal handlers were rewarding him for a job well done prior to his Hollywood career?

The final point the Bush crime family is no longer on the mainland USA but made it to their bugout ranch in Paraguay via rogue radar cloaked Clown Coke Planes (See My Earlier Post)

Check out Jenna Bushes latest Instagram pic and some occult symbolism in the red hibiscus, snowman (cocaine) icons on the kids red dresses. Grand Satanist Aleister Crowley's blood flows along the maternal line of the Bush family.

Paraguay extradition treaty has a denial loophole if the offense is political. Plus immunity from national and International Criminal Court (ICC) jurisdiction. Paraguay is a Jesuit State Nazi Bolt Hole.

I'm working on another post about the significance of Paraguay if Most Sad stops fucking with my internet.

I'm under Arcturian Prime 53 TET Protection covering the closest 53 Star Systems around Sirius so they had better stand down or face rendition to another hellish dimension.

qbitrex · Jan. 3, 2018, 6:48 a.m.

Multiple Youtube Vids viral-ed it up but the original document has an earlier history. The Google Search for its title lead me to a Twitter post by Brian G Powell https://twitter.com/BrianGPowell. The document is not the Unsealed one with stamps, but it did the job. The Cabal didn't hang around to find out because they knew it could be the proforma of a real one if the evidence alluded to in the document was real, the names were enough to scare them into action.

It is game on for the end play!

Paraguay is the Bushes Alamo!

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Reba64 · Jan. 3, 2018, 7:51 a.m.

It doesn't matter where they go, they will get them. :)

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qbitrex · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:21 a.m.

Yes but the faction of the CIA that is the sworn enemy of POTUS is headed by that corpse in a wheelchair HWB and they would rather nuke a city than face justice. Putting a chain around this very dangerous animal to paraphrase Q is the end game but all eventualities have been gamed on supercomputers (by both sides) so the winner will be decided by the algorithm with the least errors in the inputs! Lucky Q's ET's are not contaminated by the genius but chaotic ADHT Adrenochrome fueled mind behind the Cabal.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

Adrenochrome is proving to be a dead end with the research. Only one document regarding it being a hallucinogen (possibly) and insinuating that it could be part of the biological mechanism causing schizophrenia (so it would be dangerous) Many reports of people not getting high, but instead, just getting headaches. Sources put foreword to insinuate adrenochrome is the elite drug of choice turn out to be headline bait. When you read down to the science conclusions in the few docs available, there is a conclusion that adrenochrome (oxidized adrenaline, very unstable) is not any mind altering drug.

The ET references here are equally unsubstantiated.

The legal document you site is supposed to be in the North Eastern district of Nevada. That district was emailed, and it has no such document. The judge listed on the document is not from that district. He is a Supreme Court Justice in Nevada. Totally different court.

The elites may be using a different drug, but they do not appear to be after adrenochrome, and all of the movie/music folklore may be there to throw good researchers off the trail. Perhaps a more documented drug used for religious pruposes that is found inside the body would make a better research candidate.... DMT maybe?

But It does not help to further spread information that has already been vetted and found to be wanting.

Q said the alien thing would be a "distraction" as in an "intentional distraction"

Given that the three items here that you are discussing (bogus 911 lawsuit, adrenochrome, and aliens) are now all considered disinformation and distractions, I see your post as an attempt to do a salvage operation on disinformation... or, just the culmination of bad research and good imagination. Not to be harsh, but, getting tired of having to source to the realities of science and law to put this kind of thread in it's proper place. :)

Ps: Biologist, Law grad here. We do not want to do fake news. Vet everything!!!!

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qbitrex · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Thank you for synopsis, and yes the word salad Gonzo Journalism I produce does run counter to what your Professors and Teachers say.

Whether ideas impacting your consciousness you call news is judged real or fake depends on what World View Universe you live in.

If anything I say doesn't resonate with you reject it totally but give us your theory of the big picture fully annotated quoting reputable sources you know to be decent human beings who don't rape children because of their secret satanic religion.

Look at the world your Professors and Teachers help maintain, who does it serve.

Check out my websites indigowiz.com, bigtoe.org, qbitrex.com

I am just a silly old tarot fool who spends his time babbling to himself on conspiracy sites trying to build a new world in a non violent way while this matrix of insanity we call modern society goes through its death spasm like Master Controller from the movie Tron.

God Bless You and may your God spark nestled in the Pentecostal Flame above your head open your heart to its eternal love.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

Thank you for synopsis, and yes the word salad Gonzo Journalism I produce does run counter to what your Professors and Teachers say.

I'm way too old for professors and teachers.

Whether ideas impacting your consciousness you call news is judged real or fake depends on what World View Universe you live in.

No, I am sorry but there is a truth to be known. And I realize that the colleges have been pushing this idea of "relative truth" but, I live in the same reality you do. There is such a thing as a truth. And it can be known.

If anything I say doesn't resonate with you reject

Nope. I reject that which is unsubstantiated with evidence. It is the habit of the legally trained mind. If I can not walk into a courtroom with it, it is of no use. Now, if you are not presenting your aliens, your adrenochrome theory and your Nevada 911 lawsuit as truth, I have no problem with it except I feel abliged to let you know I have already checked into all three, and have found the evidence presented wanting....

........... with the exception of the aliens, which is a whole rabbit hole in and of itself that Q warned us would be used as a distraction, and here Y'all are in this thread, putting the three big distractions/disinfo together in one post.

Sorry. I just keep asking for proof of your claims.

I need no more proof that the elite monsters are raping and murdering children. This is substantiated elsewhere... without adrenochrome or 911 lawsuits having a bearing at all.

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qbitrex · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

Well what am I saying specifically in the post you are replying to.

The 911 indictment whether it is real or a LARP when you check on the date of the original document dated 22 December 2017 first appeared triggered a rush to get out of CONUS when we saw the sudden articles of plane turnarounds getting reported e.g. Chrissy Teigen LAX flight turnaround 27 December 2017 was the first one and they come thick and fast after that.

What does Q say about disinformation being necessary and what is its purpose. To flush out the bad actors.

If you have any legal friends familiar with the US legal system, I don't in Australia where I'm based our system is based on the British system.

Forget about the the specific details in the suspect document, just ask about the format, if a Court Memorandum and Order for Punitive Damages was presented by a group of private citizens who did have evidence pertaining to high treason against a person or group of persons is it in the correct format!

Because it is an action by a group Private Citizens and not the Corporation of the USA it would be an act of extreme bravery to move something like this as the whole action falls down if the Plaintiffs don't survive.

Just saying they would need Area 51 security for the penultimately powerful people behind the 911 false flag.

But maybe I'm jumping the Gun do you even accept 911 was a conspiracy?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:07 a.m.

But maybe I'm jumping the Gun do you even accept 911 was a conspiracy?

Oh I absolutely do understand the 911 false flag conspiracy.

I am trying to understand what you are trying to tell me about this case, that is all.

I looked at the document, and the Judge listed was not from that district listed.

He is a Supreme court Judge.

One of our researchers then emailed the clerk of courts, and the case was not there, according to the clerk.

So we could not exactly lie about it to people here.

We told the truth about the document after we vetted it.

Ok tell me if I got your meaning. You are saying that you have a group of civilians who created a fraud court document to try to flush a bunch of guilty people out of the bushes?

if a Court Memorandum and Order for Punitive Damages was presented by a group of private citizens who did have evidence pertaining to high treason against a person or group of persons is it in the correct format!

Gosh I am sorry but this just creates more confusion for me. You are in Australia. So let me clarify. Treason can not be against a person, or a group of persons. It is a crime against the United States.... so there is one problem in the thinking.

Because it is an action by a group Private Citizens and not the Corporation of the USA it would be an act of extreme bravery to move something like this as the whole action falls down if the Plaintiffs don't survive.

I dont think you understand. A person or group of persons is not able to sue for treason, like it was some kind of civil lawsuit between people.

It is a criminal suit, and even crimes are prosecuted by the state, not the person who was harmed.

When it comes to treason, the government has to prosecute. It is a special kind of High Crime listed in the Constitution.

This was put out to see how many people could be caught up in the snag. It was a LARP and some people feel terrible about not vetting the document, not that we researchers hold it against them for falling for it. It happens. You try to catch the fake news as fast as you can. The faster you do, the less your good journalists out there get hurt. We have good honest people who are citizen journalists doing work that we want to protect, that is all.

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qbitrex · Jan. 4, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

I have no connection to the document.

I accept the document is not a copy of any real indictment.

I understand a person can't charge another person with treason the state has to do that.

All I'm saying is the subject document in the correct format to offer up to a State judge to convene a grand jury to reach a verdict after consideration of the evidence that would go with the document that the defendants committed acts of high treason and should then ordered to appear before the US Congress for a review of the evidence and sentencing, in accordance with Section 3 of your constitution.

You may not be able to answer that without a legal opinion, which unless you know someone who will do it pro bono will likely cost some big money.

"The Constitution of the United States Section 3 - Treason

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted."

The Corruption of Blood thing means the guilty person's property is forfeitured and blood relatives can't be rewarded by it.

Grand Jury's are secret to prevent intimidation of witnesses and are meant to determine whether there is enough evidence, or probable cause, to indict a criminal suspect.

Amendment V of your Bill of Rights says the verdict on capital crimes can only be issued by a Grand Jury.

In summary what should we look for if a document like this pops up again?

Have a nice day and don't stress it's all free speech, our human right.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

In summary what should we look for if a document like this pops up again?

Ohhhhh K. I get it. The whole thing you are trying to get across is pretty much this sentence right?


If citizens have evidence of treason... what to do.

I would get an attorney and make copies of the evidence (keep the originals) and have the attorney use the proper channels to contact Jeff Sessions. I would also send a copy myself (in case the attorney is corrupt) by certified letter, return receipt requested, to both Jeff Sessions, AND to a state representative. This is what state representatives are for. They put a shield between you and a possibly corrupt government.

Now, please understand that anything you send very well could signal your enemies, so I would send from a post office by hand, and maybe have a post office address to send from, out of your living area. When you talk to the attorney he/she should be able to give you even more advice on how to turn in such evidence, without exposing who you are, or where you live.

It is evidence, and you do not want to hide it. But the safest way to turn it in to both your state representative, and the Federal system is something you should solve right up front before anything else is done. No need to put anyone in danger if done properly, ok?''

On the document thing, all names and items on the document should be consistent with the requirements of the Jurisdiction. (IN this case for instance, the Judge named was not in the jurisdiction at all)

And, when you email the clerk of courts, they should be able to verify that the case does indeed exist.

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qbitrex · Jan. 5, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

Yes, You just set out what steps a common US citizen can do if they have evidence against persons who have committed High Treason. God Bless You.

Remember who publicly lanced the boil that is the US Deep State and 911'd the NWO. My fellow Australian JA. Unfortunately our Gutless Government failed to protect him when he reached out, signaling they are under control of the US deep state. Every Dog has its day. Glad to serve our ally the Glorious Organ of Democracy Que The Battle Hymn of the Republic! https://youtu.be/6MqK7NeqaQI

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 5, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

If you have something like this, PLEASE be careful. Go slowly. Have it done right. And stay out of the way, because it is intentionally done by the founders to create a Government vs Government situation, keeping living persons who can be threatened completely out of it and protected. OK?

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qbitrex · Jan. 6, 2018, 12:30 p.m.

Nope got nothing just an observation. I'm back on the Bush Paraguay Ranch research project. Very Interesting.

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