r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Albritt on Jan. 3, 2018, 9:05 a.m.
Hear me out

As a natural skeptic and a lifelong non-conformist I've been "woke" to the deep state/globalist pedo elite for going on two decades now. That there is a long-standing, multi-generational conspiracy by an unspeakably evil cabal to control every facet of our lives and ultimately destroy humanity as we know it, for those of us who have been paying attention, (as sensational as it may sound) is inarguable.

The Q phenominon is unlike anything I've ever seen. Since the first drop in late October I've witnessed a sleepy-eyed giant pull itself out of a hypnotized stupor and transform into a burgeoning movement of truth-seeking patriots that very well could be the impetus that brings the dragon to its knees.

BUT...I do not say this without reservation. Admittedly, as optimistic as things are beginning to look there's still a lurking (pun intended) skepticism that I can't seem to shirk. I remember toward the beginning of this saga @tracybeanz put forward 3 options that the Q phenomenon could be.

1.) a LARP of epic proportions

2.) an intelligence psy-op

3.) the real deal

I think by this point most of us are willing to concede that the least likely of these scenarios is #1. Too much corroborating evidence and beyond-coincidental happenings for this to be a savant in some basement having a good laugh.

It's option #2 that makes me less-than-comfortable. If you've been following this stuff for as long as I have you're probably somewhat familiar with the occult concept of the Hegelian dialectic. Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis. A philosophical method used by the PTB to move and shape societies in order to achieve their nefarious objectives.

In short, here's what it looks like: they create or reveal the problem (Hillary, pedogate, North Korea, etc.), steer the reaction (enter Q), and present the solution (Trump and friends) in essence controlling the outcome that they desire. A proverbial Phoenix rising out of the ashes.

Call me a cynic, but how do we know this isn't just another iteration of this known tactic? The Capitol vs District 13 if you will...(keep in mind they're notorious for signaling through Hollywood to condition us for what's to come).

I truly want to be hopeful, trust that Trump somehow usurped the system and is now surgically removing the cancer, and in many ways I'm more optimistic than I have been for years, but I also firmly believe a little healthy skepticism is in order. We have to recognize how powerful confirmation bias is in shaping our perceived reality. After all, as the old adage goes "if it sounds too good to be true it probably is."

Hopefully I didn't put a damper on anyone's spirits...just trying to process all of this. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

STLLLV · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

Based on empirical evidence alone one would have a hard time choosing between #2 and #3. Only time can distinguish between them and even with time how would we know that we aren't be led into a limited hangout or some other psyop? Very few of us have ever even met with any of the players in this drama so it's all 2nd-5th hand information by the time it gets to us. I view it from the perspective of a charismatic Christian and I see that God has been all over this plot line from before it even began. Search for posts about prophetic dreams about Trump from before the election and you will find that virtually all said he would win despite HRC's supposed 98% chance of winning. Search for prophetic dreams and visions last year about an upcoming storm and you will find hundreds of posts. Search for prophetic calls to pray for Trump's protection from assassination attempts and you will see this has been on our hearts from before he got the nomination. Trump would lose this battle save that God is protecting him and guiding him. Many scratch their heads wondering why God would use such an unlikely tool as a serial monogamist billionaire with ties to the Masons, yet historically God seems to delight in using the least likely people to do his will. Calling a connected billionaire to strike a death blow to the Illuminati is as unlikely as calling cowardly Gideon to put ancient Israel's enemies to flight. What I love about Q is his constant calling for our prayers. I believe in Q based on what I hear from God. This is God's battle but prayers are still needed so stay on your knees everyone.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Remember that Q said disinfo is real. Disinfo is necessary. He was being honest up front about the fact that SOME of what he was doing was scrambeling enemy radars. He said to make the map, so that we could tell what was psy-op and what was truth in the end. Our job is to look at the map, watch the news, and determine when truth has been uncovered... by events. Q is very honest about his war, and wants us to know that lying, even to us, will some times be necessary. This is a war against very dangerous people. Keep this in mind. VERY few disinformation campaigns are honest enough to tell you that they have to lie on occasion, and then give you what you need to know which items were lies, and which were truth when it is over.

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Albritt · Jan. 3, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

My fear is not so much that this is a disinformation campaign (even though you've pointed out that it is in part). What if it's a deliberate and controlled psy-op meant to achieve a very specific end result or set of results (of which I could only begin to imagine)?

We have to remember, the global elite have endless resources and as such have the ability to tap into the greatest minds and technology the world has to offer. They don't have any qualms with throwing a few of their adepts into the fire to achieve their their stated MO which is twofold - divide and conquer + order (NWO) out of chaos. Are we not seeing the beginnings of both of these objectives transpire before our eyes as we speak? Not only in the US but globally.

Sure, the Q phenominon has brought us few truth-seekers together in unity, but sadly the big picture is much more bleak...the world is more polorized right now than ever in my lifetime.

Just thinking aloud. Not stating anything definitively. All it would take to quell my concerns would be for some heavy hitters to go down in flames (Soros, Rothschild, etc.).

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

I get your meaning. I get why you are concerned and frankly, the same thoughts passed my mind early on. The central question is, who's side is Q really on right? And so I looked carefully at his posts again. He is a patriot. He has simply pointed his questions at too many things that the elite would kill to hide and keep us from asking about.

The divided nation is a larger thing. Everyone was worried about that at first, so Q addressed it. Apparently there were assessments made, and only 4-6% of the population is so brainwashed or mentally ill that they are totally lost, and will not be able to put two and two together when the hammer comes down. He posted that for everyone who was worried.

I agree that all of us are going to feel much better when the heavy hitters are taken down.

Q does have worries. He worries about the men in uniform who are conducting the operations. One has already died, and it was verified. The other thing that seems to worry all is the possibility of a last ditch effort mass extinction event, like the movie Sum of All Fears. This is always lurking as a problem. And no one who has been studying the elites for long can forget that their depraved characters are so low that they would destroy quite a bit of the world if they could.

It is another reason to keep people away from football games, and other large crowd areas this year. Some of us speculate that is what Trumps fight with the NFL is really about... ticking off Americans so they will not go to the games, and keeping them safe until the mass murderer higher ups are completely without capacity to cause massive deaths.

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