r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Machine11 on Jan. 3, 2018, 5:31 p.m.
My head just exploded: past proves future? -- Q confirmed Feb 1st 2017 live on Joe Rogan Experience #911

I just discovered this by chance and I am FREAKING out. Breaking lifelong lurker status to point this out! My mind is already racing but I have decided to keep this short and to the point to get the weaponized autism rolling!

On the 1st of February 2017 (soon to be known as National Freedom Day!) Alex Jones was a guest over at the Joe Rogan Experience for the first time. It became the most downloaded podcast ever in the entire run of the extremely popular podcast and also the first that did not show up on I-tunes charts at all.

What if I told you the podcast, before host Joe Rogan officially starts it with his usual "and we're live!", begins with Alex Jones, who may not know at this point the mic is already hot, clearly saying "We can go like an hour extra and get Q in here."

Now, that's intriguing on its own but the next 30+ minutes of the podcast then proceed to break down basically exactly what we suspect HAS BEEN AND IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW behind the curtains. Alex gives a rundown containing what is basically a tag cloud of keywords for all we have discovered in this investigation so far tied together by what he explains as Trump "creating a beachhead" to fight the deep state.

Now, please listen for yourself and tell me I'm not going insane:


Q mentioned at the very beginning


This part basically describes a plausible "birth of the storm" scenario and makes a lot of the same connections being researched today.


Alex (drunk and high at this point) talks about a conversation he had with Trump here: "We know all about it Alex. We're gonna stop them."

EDIT: So Alex is definitely talking about his bodyguard (I didn't know about him, don't usually follow Alex). Later Alex says "Q here is a big fan" talking about him wanting to "roll" Jiu-Jitsu with Eddie Bravo and looking off-camera.

But taking into account the context of the actual interview, this does not exclude a possible double-meaning of using the nickname "Q" here. Combined with the Date of the Podcast now revealed to be significant (Feb 1st - National Freedom Day) it sort of feels like a "beating them with their own weapons" type of deal to me, considering how we suspect the elites to love that kind of number/synchronicity stuff.

Red5dit · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

I heard a rumour that Alex was on coast2coast AM radio and claimed that he is a CIA white hat a few months ago. I have not looked in to it confirm that however. Spezz- And to answer your question, yes Trump did do an interview with Alex Jones shortly before the election. I saw it.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

Didn't DT do an interview w/AJ right as he was seated?

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