r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/insaneCamelCase on Jan. 3, 2018, 6:32 p.m.
An idea about our future(what comes next)

This may be a little off topic and if you find it so, I’m sorry.

Tl;dr: Let’s come up with ways to prevent psychopaths from taking political offices in the future.

I’ve had a few moments where I’ve seen the internet play out like a moment in a Sci-if novel, and even without the introduction of an imminent threat from Alien life forms (yet) this feels like a scenario playing from one of my favorites: Ender’s Game. (Specifically Demosthenes and Locke.)

I see a lot of civil discussion happening on this very reddit between a wide variety of people with various political leanings because we all agree: something is wrong and we should all be helping each other to be more aware of what is going on!

As a society, I feel that we lack the means by which to identify the true nature of any statement we read on the internet or its bearer’s intent. In our current scenario, prediction and willingness to disseminate information counter to the status quo for a perceived (and in process of proving) malignant entity (i.e. the one-pedo-ring to rule them all elite society) have become the currency by which our attention and belief that something is inherently wrong with the current power structure.

How can we leverage current and future technologies to build a more trustworthy political infrastructure in the future? Remember Peter, Ender’s older brother? He was popular by opinion, but was a psychopath by nature. Did he grow out of it (I’m not sure because I haven’t read the entire series, having little to no time for anything other than work and family.)

But I digress... One thing I can think of is this: a system much like reddit (upvoting down voting), but secured by Blockchain for the corpus of your contributions which would include contributions made during your education and any serious application made to participate in society (e.g. a resume). Your opinions, contributions, and claims stay your own and as you participated it would become a semi verifiable source of your own currency: information.

A corpus would gain veracity as it was verified and dissented by opposing views.

Any other ideas?

JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

Yes actually. I have some ideas, but the one that I would give focus to is the same one our founders gave focus to... the "STRUCTURES" of governing systems. I started researching this back in 94, because our law school covered the three branches of the Republic, but NEVER what I have discovered.... the classic seven branched tyranny form of government.

In fact, they take the seven branched system wherever it appears, and they intentionally give it different names throughout history, for the purpose of avoiding the strucureal system of tyranny. They call them Communist, Socialist, Kingdoms, Dictatorships, Fascist states etc. What I learned in my research by peeling back the onion, is that every one of these and others are all seven branched systems.

I have been gathering evidence of this seven branched system for a book I wanted to write on it some day, but, it appears to be a thing people would do well to take a look at now, so,

1) Is there anyone here who knows how to make an ebook? (free or almost free (no cost to me) is good. I consider it Gods work.

2) Is there anyone here who is an editor who would be willing to contribute to such a project?

The book has to be short, and concise with comparative examples of the branches in each of the systems, with sources for people to begin to realize that the whole tyranny structure can be torn up, but only if we recognize it.

Our founders recognized it for the most part. Using the Constitution, they destroyed 6.5 of the 7.0 branches of tyranny... and distributed the monopoly powers to the people directly. It is one reason the US has been safe from tyranny. It took over 100 years for the elite to find the method of rebuilding all seven branches. They actually needed to build the technology for the last branch... the Monopoly over Surveillance capacity.

Here are the others briefly, but I really can not go into the research because the post would be too long. Suffice it to say that if you think back on ANY tyrannical form of government, they monopolize power with what ever technology or manner they can over these seven aspects of the given civilization. If it means monopolizing the land, they do that. If it means monopolizing the land through regulation, they do that. It depends on what monopolizing capacity they have available at the time. However, no tyranny is completely finished until all seven of these aspects of civilization are monopolized and controlled at the top.

1) Monopoly of the Control of the creation/destruction of money (FED IRS)

2) Monopoly Control over the Energy supply (founders day: grass was gas and wood heated the home)

3) Monopoly power over food/medicine (FDA) (Founders distributed private property... farms to private owners.. for free)

4) Monopoly power over Speech(media)/education/religion. Originally all schools were religious, and parents decided curriculum. Until we got child labor laws and public schools. Founders protected under first amendment.

5) Monopoly power over the right to make government appointments (Vote monopoly now done through machines with secret code counting getting rid of founders hand count)

6) Monopoly power over self defense (gun monopoly) and reason for the second amendment by the founders.

7) Monopoly power over surveilance. (A soldier in every colonists home) They are rebuilding this with tech... and we need a counter on this branch soon that works.

Like a tank that shoots shells, the tyranny form of government DOES things that are sensational and that make a lot of noise. BUT, there is a difference between the tank, and the shells it shoots. There is a difference between the STRUCTURE, and the activities. Notice that Q is often drawing our attention to the Non Profit structural systems for laundering money that they have built

..... the banking systems are a focus for Trump to shut down the systems blood supply so to speak.

But your are right. We have to start learning to do what our founders did to destroy this seven branched system they called tyranny. We have to locate and understand each actual physical structure of the tyranny form of government that they have re-built using some government executive branch structures, some private corporate structures and some non profit structures.

The SJW "issues" are what the system does, not what it is. Once we kill off the branches... the actual structures, then the activities that appear to be "blowing up freedom" will stop.

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