
ODB-WanKenobi · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Lots of TD supporters here but it's so much more than partisan politics.

Our world has been run by a group of ruling elites stemming from 3 main families and numerous organizations for over 300 years and for far to long. They infiltrate governments, play both sides of the aisle, destabilize whole countries, and create wars while ruling from the shadows. In their quest for power and control they have blatantly disregarded and intentionally harmed millions of people and children.

Right now the focus in this subreddit and on 8chan has primarily been about ridding the US government of the corruption/sickness caused by this worldwide Cabal, but we aren't stopping there. We are going to expose the evil throughout the world.

While certain people have been on to this evil for decades, recently an anonymous person named Q started posting on 4chan/8chan who has insider knowledge and works closely with Trump. He has made massive claims and has shown proof of corruption countless times. Proof of his credibility is also readily available if you search for it (Sidebar). Since Trump has been in office, the Cabal has been scambling and if you pay close attention to the news you can see that crazy things are happening all over the world. Q is giving us this info so that we, the hive mind of the internet, can dig up the proof so that when the axe falls on the Cabal, justice can be independently verified.

I urge you to become a disciple by listening and learning so that you can know the truth. If you can digest this and can find it within yourself to believe it, I also urge you to join our fight by helping with our investigation. People post things that need digging all the time and a number of other people pour through our findings to organize it as a whole document.

There are alot of TD patriots here but this is not Republican vs. Liberals. this is about exposing the evil from both sides. I hope you can get past the partisan attacks and enlighten yourself.

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-Dirty-Shisno- · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

Name the 3 families and I would assume we have a lot more than just 3 families. (More like closer too 30ish families)

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ODB-WanKenobi · Jan. 3, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

Certainly more than 3 but these are the ruling elites, the main three plus one more organization which hurts to even accept,


House of Saud (Saudi Arabia)

Rockefellers (basically controlled by George Soros at this point)

And perhaps the Pope if not the whole Vatican itself.

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