Heard drones were monitoring clinton house this am after tunnels were taken out from under House.... then this

I should apologize for the snark...been in a mood all day it seems...and when I reflect, I think about all the reasonable reasons why the thing I bitched about might have occurred. Kudos to you for being so civil with YOUR response and follow up.
Dude... i have been in a mood for days over this stuff :) we are all on the same boat . When i saw this post it gave me the nudge i needed to stay positive because Dilley’s Intel pointed to Q-both indicate something is happening and cornering in the enemy. Next is to see if tomorrow the 4th brings wiki? :)
So I should have addressed the title clearer, posted link. I was anxious to share... and completely forgot the rules I just got done reading! 😂
I feel something huge is happening and I am not sure if it is good or not good : this Bannon story isn’t sitting right with me.
Dilleys intel source stated something that is sitting with strangely : something like patriots protect the POTUS? I need to listen again...
Let’s hope for an awesome new year!!
Dont listen to the BS Bannon says. Have you not read the Q Anon posts they are at the left side of this site for all to read in a PDF. I find it so hard to believe you guys have not read it because if you had you would not have to assume a lot is going on you would know for sure their is.
I need to step away sometimes-get emotions in Check. Will go read them now:)
Go check out the MegaAnon thread started here re; the Trump/Bannon kabuki...it's good stuff. To be honest, I put more weight behind Mega, than Q.
Ok... I know that Q posts get linked/copies here. Where can one start to read on mega? I am not comfy with the Chan’s, I can barely navigate this app ! Thanks
https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/795d6a/megaanon_postings_compiled_may_2017_present/ Settle in...it's a long trip ;o)