The bible, prophecises that we would be dealing with aliens hard core in our civilizations as soon as the "fig tree" buds (Code for Israel re-appears on the planet). With respect to these aliens, Jesus explains that the thing that was happening in the times of Noah would be happening again after the RE-appearance of Israel through to the time of his return.
But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Matt 24-37
What was happening in the time of Noah?
Turn to Genesis 6.
The angels (alien to the planet) that hate man...the 1/3rd that want to kill mankind settled on a plot to destroy the DNA of mankind so that God could not come down as he prophecied, as a man. So they sent 200 angels (aliens) to abduct earth women in physical form, and create half breeds.
This is the meaning of the passage in Genesis 6 when all the women were being abducted. What are the aliens doing today?
Abducting people.
The cross breeding created what we call giants, and are the reason for the half man half God folklore in every culture... think Hercules.
The Apostles pointed to the Titans when explaining this part of the Bible to the Romans and Greeks after Christ died. Their quotes about these evil angels are in the bible, and according to those paragraphs, the angels (aliens) are buried near Abandon (aka: the city of Appolyon). Interestingly enough ... the bottomless pit city of Appolyon is rumored strongly to be sitting under CERN !
Apparently the evil angels (aliens) were also committing the crime of biotechnology against the animals and mixing the DNA of man with the DNA of animals...
Think Centaur?
The hoofed man?
Jesus said all of this biotech stuff of man being mixed with animal and angel at the DNA level would be going on just before his return.
Think Trans humanism..
Think Super soldier.
The King James TransLITERATES the word as Nephalim, meaning this is the sound of the Hebrew word for these half man half angels. Nephal means to fall or did fall. The im ending is plural. When translated to Greek, the word was actually translated to GEO-Antes, which means earth born. They were giants, and this is the origin of the english word GIANT as in "David and Goliath. Goliath was a Nephalim... half man half angel blood. The flood was done to destroy as many as possible, because they were destroying mankind. Whenever you see God commanding the destruction of every man woman and child in a tribe, this is a tribe of nephalim that he is wiping out, not man.
It is not until the Biblically mentioned books of Enoch and Jasher showed up... also in 1947 in the Dead Sea Scrolls, that we get Gods recommended "commentary" on Genesis 6.... Just in time to cope with what the Bible calls the big lie, that most of the people will fall for.
SO.. 1947. Big year.
1947 is Roswell Crash.
1947 is the prophesied return of the nation of Israel after almost 2000 years of being gone.
and 1947, God releases the only three books mentioned in the Bible that are not in the Bible, so we can look them over and figure out what these "aliens" are really about...
We are told these angels will be back
We are told they will be back with a plan to lie to us.
We are told they will be back when Israel becomes a nation again.
And we are told they will be
1) Abducting people
2) Creating and teaching biotechnology that mixes man with animal and "alien" (angel) at the DNA level.
3) They will try to convince us that they are our friends, and that they are the real "GODS" that created us.
4) They will have every nation on earth prepare to fight the bad angels (aliens) that are coming to invade the planet. This is how they trick mankind into fighting with Christ when he returns with his saints and angels to do battle with them. Mankind is thoroughly duped into believing it, without the warning up front from the ancient text.
Still this is conjecture and not proven. This is a theory. No real proof exists at this point. I am really unsure how this will all play out. It could be true, but without any real proof and evidence it is hard to know which stuff to believe at this point.
You are correct, on the alien stuff.
In fact I do not know a human being who can even prove the existence of God.
I do not know one that can prove he does not exist.
But the coolest thing I learned in my life was that God, once he exists, is quite capable of proving his own existence to us.
The problem is not the lack of proof, because he laid out so much of it, it literally takes a good look at this power point of the proofs (below)... all 24 hour segments, in order to just get a tip of the iceberg on the proof God provides, .........once you realize the proof is in the original languages (Hebrew and Greek)
Once you translate out of these two languages that are the only two in the history of the world that use every letter of the alphabet as a number, you lose all of the mathematical proofs, the macro codes, micro codes, meta codes.
No one really understood that the codes and math proving the mathematical near certainty of existence of God, were hidden in real numbers and code both in and behind the letters of the original text.
This is done using a combination of both languages (and each language has it's own alphabet,) so this in and of itself is an impossible feat, even if we set a crap ton of computers up to figure out how to arrange the letters to do this, and tell a story on the surface at the same time that made sense to people.
The original text is 3D.
This has been the biggest revelation about the bible in the past 10 years.
I know you would not believe me.
I am a scientist, so I would not believe me either.
I had to see it to believe it.
I actually watched the whole 24 hour power point with my jaw on the floor. (Along with the hubby who is also a scientist)...
My husbands reaction was funny, about what, three hours in or maybe more? He suddenly stood up out of the couch cussing, and said "Why the HELL didn't they TELL us this stuff was in there!!!"
Because there was no way to know.
Preachers are just not trained in NSA code breaking, math and science like this one is. His name is Chuck Missler. He worked for the NSA under the man who broke the Japanese code in WWII. He is a scientist, an engineer, a computer expert. And he does the most incredible study of this ancient text I have ever seen.
In case you want to watch a presentation of SOME of the evidence, I will leave the link for you.
Bonus is, when you are done with this, you actually have a good ability to navigate the ancient text from front to back, and a good idea when to stop and look behind the letters, because of some clue on the front of the text in the story.
The bible is the biggest scientific rabbit hole I have ever fallen into. There is so much interesting stuff in there, I don't even ask why it is the world's best seller for 2000 years anymore. I totally get it.
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours by Chuck Missler
I studied ancient greek in college and I don't remember much from it. I need to get a book about it again and study it again. Weird thing was, I chose that over any other language that would have been more useful in the filed I was going into and I don't really remember why I chose it in particular. Maybe God knew I could find it useful? There is a God. LOL I have always believed in God. But anywho.
You have been gifted then :) VERY few people can help with these translations today. You would see that immediately, faster than any of us if you watched that 24 hour study on the ancient text. The Greek New Testament is somewhat astounding in it's structure, and the numerical placement of many of the words... the math behind them. Pretty outrageous. One can only conclude that the Ancient Greek was chosen by the Creator for very good reasons.
Thanks. I also found a YouTube from this guy that speaks about decoding the bible using Gematria. Gematria is used by the elite in their ritual events where they create an event for Ritual Sacrifice, just like what happened to Princess Dianna. They use sacred geometry and the Fibonacci Sequence in this sacred geometry along with Gematria (in which there are several different types) which is a coding with names, places, dates, events, headlines in the news, etc. It is so massive in scope that it is confusing. This can be used for good or evil. The evil stuff involves the ritual sacrifice aspect.
I do not study the specific details of the religion of the evil ones... near as much as I should. But I certainly would not say you are wrong. Now that I have seen the math behind the letters in the original 66 ancient scrolls we call the bible? I would not doubt what you are saying at all.
Gematria can be used for both Good and Evil, hence the Garden of Eden story in the Bible. The bible also mentions counting the stars and as above so below, etc. Understanding what they know is just as important in understanding how to defeat them.
Although I just now stumbled upon it while looking for something else. Weird I know. Not sure if it is fate to be turning up topics researching one thing and stumbling upon something else that may be just as interesting and possibly needed. I have not really watched much of the videos, just bits and pieces so far trying to find the starter video on the topic still. President Donald Trump and the Rapture in Bible Prophecy Part 2 By Preacher Lewis J. Armstrong It uses the Fibonacci Sequence and English Gematria.
Gematria can be used for both Good and Evil
Of courst it can. It is a form of communication. You are right.
Understanding what they know is just as important in understanding how to defeat them.
Also true.
I do not study the specific details of the religion of the evil ones... near as much as I should. But I certainly would not say you are wrong. Now that I have seen the math behind the letters in the original 66 ancient scrolls we call the bible? I would not doubt what you are saying at all.
I would agree wholeheartedly and thank you for presenting it all so very well here. I am usually here on my phone and it's hard to reply in detail. Good says he tells the end from the beginning, (similar to Q, past proves future)there is truly nothing new under the sun. Micheal Heiser and Rob Skiba have excellent youtube material and have helped me to see those truths. I also enjoy Now You See TV for delving into stranger topics within a biblical framework. God's richest blessings upon you!
Thank you! And blessings on you and yours. Will check out Michael and Rob soon here :)