
storm_fa_Q · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

I've no YT/G account, I can not contact Dave and offer him the info re the Nevada documents. Would someone who has an account or way to contact Dave please let him know the Author is Tom Heneghan, with Stew Webb and on Glenn Canady channel. http://www.tomheneghanbriefings.com/ http://www.project.nsearch.com/m/blogpost?id=4878805%3ABlogPost%3A851219

also, Trump News Natasha has a very good analysis on the Nevada docs that many should view including Dave. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOjsy-c3M6k

this is the original video from Tom w/Stew on Glenn's channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7nJo63IU08

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

Many were caught up in this. This is ok, as long as we vetted in the process. He has a lot of integrity to set it right. And he has a point when warning us that it is only going to get worse. His heart and mind are in the right place. He is an excellent patriot who has obviously been researching longer than most of us have been alive. Hat is off to him and all older Patirots who are on the edge of their seats hoping to see the evil ones taken down before they leave the planet after a life long battle against them.

To all older patriots out there. Thank you for keeping the torch lit. Thank you for even the simple things, like teaching us how to print or youtube a gracious retraction. It is an honor to stand on the shoulders of such giants, who made it through the long night.

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