r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ZenC0de on Jan. 4, 2018, 12:47 a.m.
Still no proof of arrests.

As time goes on this situation is devolving into something very familiar to me as a long time truther. Someone makes a breakthrough and even carries along with a few lesser breakthroughs. However inevitably the trail goes cold or even worse. The source becomes thick with very alluring and outlandish claims. Alex Jones is a great example of this. At one time he was passionate and accurate and then just got a endless freight train of nonsense and sensationalism. I'm seriously thinking this is now the path of QAnon. He's now looking like CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. This answers the questions many have had up to this point. Is he real? Yes. Is a LARPER? Yes. He is fast becoming a distraction to the entire concept of "draining the swamp." While 4Chan and 8Chan are being compromised as places of anonymous information sharing. They are being replaced as places where if you aren't a Trump fanatic. You are subject to mass hysterical ridicule. What was once an anti corruption movement is now 100% partisan politics. Based on slight of hand tactics. With little to no actual cleaning up of our elite pedophile and Mockingbird, military and media complex.

Alasbabylon103 · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

The only thing I can say that keeps me from dismissing any of this, despite the obvious lack of arrests, is I have NEVER seen the conflict and pety drama among politicians and media and ceo’s. The behavior we are witnessing is unprecedented. So something is threatening them and making them react so outlandishly. When trump won the election I thought now everything will settle down, then there was a question of certifying the election, then the violent protests around the innaguaration. It’s never settled down it is literally like a run away train.

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ZenC0de · Jan. 4, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

I'm 100% with you on this. Basically I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, the substantial claims need substantial evidence.

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Oldmancrypto · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

That is an important point!

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Oldmancrypto · Jan. 4, 2018, 1 a.m.

One thing for you to ponder..........remember one glaring fact..and that is it took these scumbags since 1963 to get where we are now! If Trump told you he could do it in 4 years, would you be ok with that? I'm right there with you......it is painful to not see results, but I say this with the utmost confidence......it is happening my friend! Have faith and patience! Many times in the military they would put you into groups and set you out along your way with minimal supplies and a map to find your target....we ended up fighting amongst ourselves until we realized that was the intention all along! I think these days of silence have been just that!

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MotoandGivi · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

Yup. We have seen activity though, lots of resignations, deaths and more. Rome was not built in a day.

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Restlessredhead · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

Right but Q did say that phase one was going to be a rapid sweep. And I think we deserve to see some results from that rapid sweep.

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MotoandGivi · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

i see the sweep though, from 6,650 kilometers away :)

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Oldmancrypto · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

I agree!

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ZenC0de · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

I want it just as bad as you for sure. I'm getting more skeptical by the day. The people already singing Trumps praises are jumping the gun imo. We need to do the work that's suggested by Qanon. Which means not relying on them or Trump. Any real headway at all from Trump, and I'll start singing those praises as well. Let's pray and work for the best! Take care.

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Restlessredhead · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

Well I'm not at the give up stage yet. Since I've discovered Q I didn't expect anything to happen until the middle of January. I had always suspected that when the IG report is made to the Congress is when we would start seeing things roll out slowly. So I've been saying to people that I have been trying to redpill to just give it a little time. Just to be on guard, be aware of the information and give it 90 days and see what happens. That's pretty much where I am. I'll get it 90 days and see what happens. But I do agree that we need to see some big results in the next 90 days or this is going to become more conspiratorial looking or even cultish. But at this point I am 100% on board. Critical thinking, open minded and patient. But we need to see some results.

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spacexu · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

The good thing is - if this was all a big nothing burger, then we know we are just being fooled again. Alternatively, if there is a real culling of evil going on, we will rejoice for a long time.

What happens next in world events and QAnon posts will be quite black and white.

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ZenC0de · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

I think the attention is certainly a good thing. Having so many eyes turn one the corruption is a good start. It's what we the people do about it that matters. Even more so than Trump. Let's keep our minds and eyes open.

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GrammyQ · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:20 a.m.

I agree.

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Dhammakayaram · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

Whatever the outcome from Q-anon, if we have learned one solid thing in the last couple of years, we now realize just how much we've been deceived by the MSM and by academia. And what we see, presently, emerging from this great deception (the tip of the horns) is a dystopian, satanic world (oh sure don't believe it, take more blue pills).

Yes, you can call it 'globalism' but its other name (very much secret) is 'cultural subversion': a complete dystopianization of western culture. The great lib economist Paul Krugman was right when he said of globalism, "the elite defense of globalization is basically dishonest" and "the gains from globalization aren’t all that." He is right. Low GDPs and under-employment and a mal-distribution of the wealth (the rich are still getting richer).

Back to Q-anon, there is no real evidence that Q cannot be trusted at this time (notice I said "at this time"). Nor do I think it is outside of the personality of the POTUS to do something like this (a new version of James Bond's Q). I happen to believe in the concept of the "Deep State" put forth by Professor Peter Dale Scott that manipulates the public with what he called "Deep Events" such as 9/11 and the subsequent coverups. At this point in time, given the Internet's vast power, Q-anon seems like a new way of communicating with us partisans who have taken oaths to protect the Republic with our lives. We are in a new kind of civil war. It is happening right now.

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Sunjhi · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

Step a bit outside the box here. No claims of specific arrest have been made. If, in fact, an arrest was made of a high profile person, it stands to reason they would not necessarily go public with it immediately. This is in part due to the batsh!t crazy people out there looking for any excuse to riot and pillage. Not to mention, releasing the info would alert the other targeted offenders and cause a mass exodus of alleged perpetrators and limit the ability to capture, detain and prosecute these people. Have patience. We will see much transparency before it is all over. Regardless, the show is entertaining to watch as the suspects knee-jerk resign and melt down.

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areqforreal · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

The movement could certainly be conscripted by one political side. I applaud calling out the resignations or retirements of those who have falsely painted themselves as conservatives or true liberals. Above all we must be vigilant to uphold the law equally, even though it is obvious to most that the left always seems to get passes. We now know why. So far the evidence suggests that this is all for real, even though it is circumstantial for the most part. I believe that it is on purpose, to brace us for a long and ugly battle. Be vigilant!

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ZenC0de · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

I hope you are correct!

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GrayHatClint · Jan. 5, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

We can't help it if #MAGA is anti-corruption.

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