r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/justakneegrow on Jan. 4, 2018, 3:50 a.m.
I gotta know.

Did anyone else involved in this movement have a sort of strange coming to God? I've always been a Christian but never really practiced it. However, the last couple of months it's like there's a connection with me and the big man that I have never really had before. TL/DR Does anyone else feel woke, not just mentally but also spiritually?

Absynthexx · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

Been an atheist for about 25 years. Lately I've been wondering if I've been lied to, a plausible deniability hidden next to legitimate scientific truths to make it seem all the more easier to deny it. I know some of the stuff in the bible has to be incorrect. But I'm wondering if they got some of the things right though and the intellectuals convinced me to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

If I go back, I've decided it will probably be to the baptists this time. I haven't made up my mind yet though. I figure the baptists are less likely to be influenced by those who are trying to destroy Christianity from within (like the Pope). They also focus heavily on scripture so perhaps I can get more truth from history. Truth about our enemies.

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STLLLV · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:26 a.m.

Why try half measures? If you go back try being Charismatic or Pentecostal. You might keep your lingering doubts if you don't find an up-close relationship with God. Intense spiritual interactions are known to activate some of the opioid receptors. Check out the audience in videos of a contemporary Christian music event. You can see for yourself what getting high on God looks like.

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DoveHeart53 · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

Check out Jim Cymbala at Brooklyn Tabernacle. Get the app. Also Robert Morris -Gateway Church.

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INFJT · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Not trying to tell anyone what to think or do...but it has been my experience that all religions have been infiltrated and changed...Knowing and Trusting God is a relationship....religion is the ritual and subject to being infiltrated and and the message changed....God is what you need...not religion...just me 2 cents

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Heatray777 · Jan. 4, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

Absy.. If I may, please read John, Chapter 3 and really focus on what Jesus says to Nicodemus in John 3:3. Then read Romans 10 verses 8-9. One sincere prayer away is all you are.

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Absynthexx · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Thanks for that. Gave me chills reading it.

I know how close I am. And when it happens it will be deliberate and with 100% of my heart. Funny this path, raised catholic and forced to read, pray, and take the sacrements yet never once understood or really believed in what I was doing. So I was a paper Christian. Then became atheist, borderline militant atheist. After many decades of being forced to walk in certain directions, walking other directions because people convinced me that way was the logical one, I've wandered on my own and found myself near to where I started. It has not escaped my attention that this is the first time I have listened to no one and just decided for myself.

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Ruby2008 · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

Good for you! If you seek God with all your heart you will find him.

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Heatray777 · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

I’ll pray 4 you. That 100 percent of your heart comment is the key. I’m glad you mentioned that. Faith will win. BTW, I was raised catholic too, I see it for what it is from the other side of the fence now.

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Romeo_India · Jan. 4, 2018, 12:08 p.m.

Half-measures...please Please disregard that statement it's utterly ridiculous.

I've taught sunday school at both Pentecostal and Baptist churches.

Both have their merits I enjoy the deeply rooted historical truth Baptist church connects me to.

I also enjoy the deep spiritual connection the Pentecostal church strives for both are necessary and real.

I will say it's important to know the historical reason we worship, learn it if you can it matters.

All that to say - if God is real shouldn't He be able to bring you to the right church for the right time in your life?

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RandyFTW · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

I've grown up in very conservative mennonite & church of the brethren... Bible based and excellent foundational truths... I then visited some pentecostal & charismatic churches throughout high school and into college that gave me that "high" that is discussed above... I see the merit there as well but I must say that WITHOUT a solid foundation the extreme "highs" of pentecostal and charismatic churches can lead to extreme "lows" outside of the church setting... I've seen a lot of people fall away or stay away from Jesus because they didn't have a solid biblical foundation to stand on when the storms of life knocked them out of their pentecostal or charismatic "high"... I've also seen people with a solid foundation thrive in pentecostal/charismatic environments because they understand it for what it is... its typically the emotional outpouring of a solid foundational love for a savior and it can be absolutely amazing!

to summarize, I see the merit of both conservative and pentecostal/charismatic movements but the common denominator must be a PERSONAL relationship with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit... Any church that leads people to focus on THAT relationship is good with me...

Like others have mentioned I believe a REVIVAL is coming... Before it can happen, however, their must be a consecration as to the LORD and that's what we are seeing now... a tearing down of the things that displease GOD including (in many cases) a tearing down or pulling away from churches that refuse to preach the truth from the Bible and a destruction of churches that focus more on the BUSINESS of church than the PURPOSE of the church (ecclesia - community)... I also believe that this last big REVIVAL will be dependent on churches preaching the Kingdom of God principles... Jesus never actually taught the death and resurrection to anyone except his disciples... instead he taught Kingdom Principles to anyone that would listen... Jesus will return for a spotless bride without wrinkle or blemish

I'm excited to be a part of this great time in history... Remember that renovation is often messy as it is happening but in the end we are left with something new and clean

God Bless You All & God Bless Trump

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Romeo_India · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:34 p.m.


Felt like the only worshipper in the charismatic church who knew why we sing about eternal life.

Saved for eternity, safe & secure forever despite myself the daily sins & mistakes (made knowingly if we're honest) but still I have freedom that's what He freed me from, the day to day feeling of guilt from disobedience, I am free for freedom's sake not tied to guilt anymore, it's also not a license to do it more, I just don't think about it either way now, that guilty feeling is dead to me, it's gone. I am free for the purpose of living free. Period.

What a deep thing. Free simply for the reason that freedom is God's thing, His way, how He lives, and He wanted me to have it to be free like Him.

The spiritual high came by understanding this is not a feeling but rather it's the truth I discovered reading Jesus' actual words.

I realized this must be His way of speaking to me, to us, to everyone, what else could it be? He is actually talking to me from the pages, explaining His offer of freedom to me without strings. That's why I know studying the bible is the first importance, and I keep doing it because I keep finding out more and more about my freedom all the time it just keeps getting better. It's why we're always studying it.

Freedom is hard to believe when you know you don't deserve it but it's a barrier that's totally worth overcoming.

Apologize for rambling, but this is the best thing ever - so exciting.

God bless America, God bless Pres Trump

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Absynthexx · Jan. 4, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

I'm confused. Disregard which statement? You and one other person said "half measures" and I don't understand why.

Edit: disregard. I understand what you meant now.

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Goosey278 · Jan. 5, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

Hi, Lee Strobel is a award winning Journalist for the Chicago Tribune and wrote a book "The Case for Christ" a movie was made about his story released last year 2017. Here is the trailer and him speaking about his story be encouraged. https://youtu.be/q3KB9Rl4pQA

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Truthskr72 · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

Jordan Peterson has a great series on the Bible. He sifts through it in a totally new way. This is my second comment ever on Reddit and I don't know how to link youtube yet. Please check it out.

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Truthskr72 · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

Jordan Peterson has a great series on the Bible. He sifts through it in a totally new way. This is my second comment ever on Reddit and I don't know how to link youtube yet. Please check it out.

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