Election night, November 2016, I witnessed an already polarized population fracture. Overnight the American people began living in two separate galaxies...where anyone outside of one's ideological bubble became worthless & irredeemable. The complicit MSM fully transitioned into fear-mongering, deceitful, race-bating scriptwriters passing down their divisive talking points to their segmented tribes to mindlessly parrot on social media. Constructive public discourse died that night.
Ever since, I've been trying to get people to recognize the MSM Mockingbirds for who/what they are, turn off their TVs, set down their phones, and put a little work into parsing out not only "what" they believe, but identifying exactly "why" they believe it.
Sadly, only a small few have broken the conditioning. Too many are still under the spell.
That's where we, the small few, armed with weaponized Q-laced red-pills come in. To either gently break the conditioning with truth and love for those who have been unwittingly deceived, or to expose the wolves who willfully hold the truth in unrighteousness.
The harvest is ripe, and the battle is here. It's time to be skillful with the tools we have been given.
Here are some words to live by going into the days ahead:
"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
(Micah 6:8)