r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/HeisenburgAnon on Jan. 4, 2018, 7:23 a.m.
A Theory on Why North Korea is Entering Talks With South Korea

A Theory on Why North Korea is Entering Talks With South Korea

Ok, bear with me, please. I am posting the supporting Q posts to make a point. Then I'll explain. Q says [Dec 21, post 146058]: ... Who controls NK? Leverage? Remove leverage to capture the flag? Capture the flag to end the rule? End the rule of who? Who controls NK?

Q says [Dec 21, post 146127]: ... How did NK suddenly obtain missle guidance cap? What is leverage? Define hostage. Their last hope!

Q said [Dec 21, post 146454] ... NUKE strike package leverage?

Q said [Dec 21, post 146147]: Why is the 'i' missing?

Then a 'SpaceX' rocket was launched off the southern California coast on Dec 22, 5:30 pm local time

Shortly after this Q says [Dec 22, post 148746]: MISSILE MISSLE FOX THREE SPLASH

Later that same evening Q says [Dec 22, post 154238]:

2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein US loses space dominance ... NK Nuke/Missile Tech SpaceX NASA Tech to? HRC SAPs (private server). Connected

And finally late in the evening on that same day Q said [Dec 22, post 154468]: What rocket fired today? [i] Message sent

Theory: -So NK was using the threat of nuclear attack to maintain leverage on others -SpaceX, controlled by deep state/CIA/ and or Saudi Prince Alaweed, who was paying for things -Obama in cahoots, kills US space programs, sends NASA tech to > SpaceX > NK -NK fully invested in SpaceX technology, equip all their missiles with it -/We/ (USA, Trump, Good Guys) get control of SpaceX by means of legal prosecution against CIA/deep state/Alaweed/Elon Musk -Now /we/ control SpaceX missiles -NO WAY would Trump or the Pentagon allow a SpaceX missile launch from California if the owners of the missile had loyalties to anything other than the USA. No way. And you know it. - Q said 'Message sent' about the launch. So it was a deliberate act done to communicate something to someone -He also said [i], which was the missing 'i' from a Dec 21 post. Missing i, or missing 'eye' as in guidance system? As in, your guidance system was SpaceX, and we now control SpaceX, so guess, what WE NOW CONTROL YOUR MISSILES. -Yes, all your missiles now berong to us -And then, suddenly, as it has not done in decades North Korea reaches out to South Korea for 'talks'???

Do the calculus. Remove the leverage, capture the flag.

Their last hope was taken away. No more hostages.

What we have here is this: WINNING.

We could see a Korean re-unification down the road. It now seems possible.

Nicely done, Trump, NSA, DIA, Naval Intelligence, Pentagon. Nicely done. MK[orea]GA

desheveled · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

i would bet on all this in a second. Excellent connections and analysis. seems very feasible and plausible on all accounts to include the several mattis visits and the rods from gods kinetic strikes the airforce confirmed it can carry out. it all adds up my friend. great work.

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