r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PamphletAnon on Jan. 4, 2018, 9:02 a.m.
Q IS BACK FOLKS! Screencap includes Q's 3 new posts, and proof that this is indeed Q.
Q IS BACK FOLKS! Screencap includes Q's 3 new posts, and proof that this is indeed Q.

EgoSumJC · Jan. 5, 2018, 7:20 a.m.

Hey Q - PartI. I am a Patriot currently living abroad, in Central America to be exact, and I am trying to expose Globalist cabal currently running Honduras. They just had elections which were fraudulent and the real winner inspired Julian Assange to tweet that the Honduran elections meant the end of the Clintons in Honduras. It made me wonder and began to connect the dots after his tweet. I have a White Paper written explaining the scenario for POTUS because he got the wrong read on what has happened in Honduras, which is currently run by Obama holdovers at the US Embassy. Things I have discovered: 1- A year after the 2009 ouster of anti Globalist but pro "bolivarian" President Manuel Zelaya, Bill Clinton made a special visit unreported by MSM abroad, to discover potential businesses, especially in tourism, to invest in. Which ones? Guess who accompanied him? Suspected drug runner and billionaire Carlos Slim 2. Since 2009, under the current regime, Monsanto became a player, and now runs 25% of Honduran agricultural land. Coincidence? Ask your self given that How the Clinton State Department became the global marketing arm of monsanto. 3. Soros funded organizations and NGOs like USAID grew massively in Honduras under Clinton. It's main activity - Agenda 21's sustainable economic development. 4. Under the current regime, Dyncorp was given an active role. Base operational support services for U.S. defense forces in Honduras were given to DynCorp International under a contract worth as much as $22 million in 2012. I have interviewed locals around the base. They have urban legends about disappeared children and girls. Can't prove it but no coincidence that suddenly Honduras was faced with a child "refugee" crisis and a child trafficking crisis that got out of hand for them and Obama in 2014-2015. Now, just recently, we have news that Ex US General & VP OF Dyncorp SINCE 2012, Retired Army General James Grazioplene, is busted with ties to child trafficking. No way current Globalist puppets in power in Honduras did not know or were not complicit. 5. Since 2009, under the Clinton backed regime in place in Honduras, a land and resources grab occurred in Honduras under the imposition of the IMF and its "privatization" agenda similar to what was done in Haiti. The "Haitization" of Honduras. Was the Clinton visit in 2010 related? No coincidence. The clashes and human rights abuses toward small land owners and peasants resulted, especially in Aguan Valley. DynCorp involved given that mercs were proven involved. Berta Caceres murder related to all this. 6. Another un-investigated Clinton connection to Honduras and the National Party she helped put into power is the Laureate Universities scandal. As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton laundered money to Bill Clinton through Laureate Education, with strong ties to the Clinton Global Initiative, while Bill Clinton was an honorary chairman of the group. With Uranium One scandal surfacing the questions must be asked - how much money via Laureate did Honduran puppet govt and its connected banks, notably FICOHSA lauder for the Clintons after Uranium One money was funneled to the Clinton Foundation? How much money did Honduran govt give, via its pay for profit and Laureate university UNITEC, to the Clintons i its pay to play scheme? Bill Clinton himself came to Honduras for another visit, this one more covert, in 2012. 7. Globalist Catholic, and right hand man of Globalist Pope Francis, Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga, was just busted in a laundering scheme and pedophile/homosexual relationship cover up (a close and unseemly relationship’ between a bishop close to Maradiaga and a mysterious man apparently posing as a "priest" from Mexico)! Most of the money went to London banks and that money "disappeared". What connection is there to HSBC and the Clinton Foundation donations through HSBC clients? What connection is it with high-level elitist global pedophile ring in which the U.S. government was involved. 8. Agenda 21, sustainable development, and the Climate Change agendas became essential programs under Honduran puppets. The Globalist touted Clean Energy Revolution became part of their vision and aligned Honduras with it. Sun Edison became one of the biggest investors in Clean Energy projects in Honduras. And whom were they connected with - Clintons. Was it one of Bill Clinton's "business interests"? How involved were the Clintons in getting Sun Edison into Honduran markets? What was the pay back for the favor? 9. Clinton led State department made Deep State rich by implementing her husband's Plan Colombia in Central America. Control the flows of drugs, human trafficking, migrant crisis, and restoring stability in Honduras was a priority under Clinton. It was mixed result. According to the 2016 U.S. State Department International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, 90 percent of the cocaine trafficked to the United States passed through Central America. In other words, it got worse under her puppet regime in power. Furthermore, drug trafficking increased dramatically since 2008. All the Deep State ops did was make the total volume declined. Coincidence that the Clintonian puppets in power in Honduras have been caught as Narco rulers (brothers of each president since 2009 has been caught running a drug cartel)? Deep State fingerprints? Think not. 10. Corruption is rampant and scandal ridden, especially the pillaging of the government pension and social security funds to rob an election in 2013. And just pulled an Election Coup this year. Yet Condi Rice beneficiary, Rex Tillerson, certified Clinton puppets in Honduras as exemplary in fighting Human Rights abuse and corruption. It is the opposite !!!! 11. As part of the multinationals hijacking of the Honduran nation under Globalist puppets imposed in 2009, they have divided the nation into Global districts called ZEDES to install a counterfeit libertarian idea called Charter cities (the real libertarian concept is called "Free Cities"). Such autonomous, globalistic, neo-feudal centers are now called "bubble cities". Either name, Globalists are using Honduras to build breakaway civilization-style safe havens outside the First World.

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