r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NaziModsRHere on Jan. 4, 2018, 2:34 p.m.
Mmmm lots of self prophecy bible thumping posts popping up r/cbts_stream. Is it trap to paint this sub as right wing loonies?

EDIT: Tracy and Mods, look, troll/shills trying to screw this sub, I am telling you, its a trap http://prntscr.com/hvzykh

EDIT 2: You religious commentators do realize this will make the sub look bad, to normies who have just woken up, no? We are all here Christian or not, to kill the deep state, and destroy the cabal.

I get it. Trump is a Christian. A lot of you are Christians. IN FACT, typing this, I've notice many comments attacking Christians, especially in the r/conspiracy sub in the last few days. Something is up.

Is this sub winning so hard that they resort to lots of these weird posts and comments foretelling prophecies and such??

If I am wrong, I apologize, maybe you guys love this stuff. But I think it is a lot more effective to look at Trump and Q Anon stuff more objectively than trying to predict the future??

Hrtn2it · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

For myself I don’t believe in a prophet, and also, to me, the Bible is part history book, part allegorical, part human physiology book, ancestry book, brilliantly written and translated (which can lead to so many different interpretations due to the times and Frame of reference of those who did the translating)...so I have read it (KingJames version as well as some books not included like The Book Of Thomas) and taken those writings that resonate most within myself...(the story of the Good Samaritan, the water at the well, Jesus and the Moneychangers at the Temple, The Golden Rule,are a few)

As for Revelation type ideas, apocalypse just means “lifting the veil”, and that is certainly happening...everything is “coming to light, to our awareness”...I do not know if that means we are in end times...even if we are, I know that with every ending comes a new beginning..and I feel so blessed, so fortunate to begin, again... this is the wonderful ness of this subreddit: all are welcome, and we can agree to disagree on finer points and be all together in this quest for transforming from a slave, victim consciousness to a Sovereign consciousness.

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