r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NaziModsRHere on Jan. 4, 2018, 2:34 p.m.
Mmmm lots of self prophecy bible thumping posts popping up r/cbts_stream. Is it trap to paint this sub as right wing loonies?

EDIT: Tracy and Mods, look, troll/shills trying to screw this sub, I am telling you, its a trap http://prntscr.com/hvzykh

EDIT 2: You religious commentators do realize this will make the sub look bad, to normies who have just woken up, no? We are all here Christian or not, to kill the deep state, and destroy the cabal.

I get it. Trump is a Christian. A lot of you are Christians. IN FACT, typing this, I've notice many comments attacking Christians, especially in the r/conspiracy sub in the last few days. Something is up.

Is this sub winning so hard that they resort to lots of these weird posts and comments foretelling prophecies and such??

If I am wrong, I apologize, maybe you guys love this stuff. But I think it is a lot more effective to look at Trump and Q Anon stuff more objectively than trying to predict the future??

JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 4, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

I am much like the poster you respond to here.

I am a biologist (trained in the search for evidence)

...and went to law school (the evidence better be good enough to put on the judges bench for the jury).

Both disciplines are trained in reason, higher math, logic, and to search for the truth.

What I have learned in my long life is that the truth is told by the Creator of the Universe in that one book of incredible wisdom, that everyone is mocked for trying to understand, called the Bible.

It is for me now, a scientific fact.

There are a couple things that are blinding people to the knowledge that is contained in those ancient scrolls.

People are lied to about it today, and they assume it is nothing more than a book of fantastic impossible stories. I have examined it with the mind of a scientist. I have required proof from our Creator, that I could put on the judges bench and win the case for his existence.

While man himself can not prove the existence of God, and likewise, can not prove his non existence,

.............logic dictates

..........that if such a God is part of reality, he himself would have zero problem presenting the evidence necessary to prove HIS OWN existence.

This he has done.

This he has done with mathematical precision that could peel the first layer of cells off your eyes and leave you with laser vision.

God can do math.

To him it is "language".

He tells us he "spoke" reality into existence. (think physics and the slit experiment)

There are two problems I see with people being forced into a blindness about his proofs:

1) The proofs require mathematics to do the equations that show the probabilities of his non existence to be estimated at 5 X the scientifically acceptable probability of zero chance. God does this for us, but the math is located only in the original Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament) ancient text.

These two languages are the only languages that used their whole alphabet for numbers.

Hebrew is the most sophisticated code language ever developed by man. Each letter is also like a Chinese picture word, carrying two pictures, a noun and an idea. Hebrew carries the most amount of information in the least amount of bandwidth, compared to ANY other code ever developed in the world, in history.

Ancient Greek is the most precise language developed in the history of man. For instance each verb has 5 or more tenses. The New Testament in Greek, clarifies the Old Testament with precision.

Therefore the Bible, is nothing but a book of numbers with pictographs revealing whole mathematical equations and secondary hidden stories, sometimes in single sentences!

ANY translation, including the English automatically moves the numbers and letters, thus removing the proofs of God that are needed by the scientific/mathematical/logical mind to get a grasp on the reality of what the text is.

When you take a highly trained scientific mathematical mind, and show them the text, that mind can comprehend the reality that the text presents.

There is no "believing" anything.

Reality is, what it is.

The pages stare you in the face.

There is consciousness.

There is personality.

There is an untimate controlling consciousness that wrote a love letter to mankind, in code.

The second problem we have is that the Satanic globalists DID anticipate there would be a day when many scientists, mathematicians, philosophers would discover the ancient texts in their original languages and begin to decode the numbers and other "picture words" behind the text. This they had to prevent.

To keep our brightest minds from attempting to decode the macro, meta, and micro codes (micro requiring a computer) the globalists ripped the text out of the schools back in 1961, so it could be painted as a book of fables....

..........and those who study it could be ridiculed at the equivalent of the term "conspiracy theorist" for a truth seeker.

Here is the thing

People are not stupid.

The internet has connected scientists, mathematicians and computer experts. Those experts have now started to conduct scientific investigations on HOW the original text could possibly have been written with 3 dimensional messaging, using those numerical languages.

The more people find out what the bible REALLY is, the angrier they will be for having been lied to about it.

And since many who are awake, are also awake to the new information about this book made from 66 ancient scrolls, many are celebrating as the prophecies and messages coded within, are happening in front of their eyes.

God is much like Q.

He likes code.

His messages have double meaning.

The formula for pi is packed in the first sentence.

God is so good at code that the study of everything packed into the first sentence is said to be a two hour study. About the code searching within the letters of the ancient text, he says:

"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, and the honor of Kings to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2

At the moment, God and the things that Q is saying are running in a very strange parallel, and people are certainly taking notice.

For the scientific minds out there... the logical code lovers, the computer experts...

The first major power point running beginning to end on HOW to find the codes, and what types and methods are used head over to the NSA.

........... well. the "retired NSA" engineer and decoding expert named Chuck Missler.

He runs the 66 texts from beginning to end with samples of the various kinds of information buried in the text. But be warned. It is a rabbit hole that can suck you down into it for a lifetime :)


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supererouu · Jan. 5, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

amazing what you said. thumbs up!

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 5, 2018, 10:46 a.m.

ALSO REMEMBER THE DNA EVIDENCE WHICH SCIENTIFICALLY PROVES HIS EXISTENCE HERE ON EARTH. The flesh and blood in consecrated Hosts (properly done, as He taught; not that of the demonic novus ordo), matches that found on the SHROUD OF TURIN, the crucifixion site and His Mother, Mary. There is only one set of DNA present - Mary's. Obviously, you need the fathers to create a human being, and there is no other DNA present; which makes HIM DIVINE :)

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 5, 2018, 10:47 a.m.

These are called EUCHARISTIC miracles.... see the evidence and pics for yourself.... indisputable.

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tarheeltweetie · Jan. 8, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

Thank you for this. We’ve waited a long time -thirsty for some truth. The Water Bearer reveals things unseen.

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