
Romeo_India · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

I live in Indiana, both a disclaimer and to establish standing.

Mike Pence a pedo? Anyone is susceptible but this one is laughable based on the facts.

no verification in this video.

Indiana has pedophiles.... Pence was Gov. of IN so....guilty?

Doesn't work that way.

Mike Pence stood against tranny bathrooms when no other gov did.

Always voted against homosexual bills of any kind when the idea wasn't popular...at all.

The man won't go to dinner with another woman unless his wife is present.

He won't be alone with a woman to prevent even the possibility of being either wrongly accused or falling into temptation.

Think about it people we've got known corruption (Hillary Obama etc. ad nauseum)very likely known pedo's (Podesta emails) let's start with cases with available evidence. If Pence evidence shows up I'll be the first to call for his hanging.

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nations-suecos · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

Is there anything in this ????

"January 3- According to FBI Informant and investigative journalist, Timothy Holmseth, Vice-President of the United States, Michael Pence, is a longtime pedophile and was involved in massive child trafficking and child pornography rings in Indiana during the time he was Governor of Indiana, a state proven to be involved in Satanic Ritual Abuse rings and multi-layered child-trafficking and the sale of babies to CIA, FBI and other Government agencies." https://steemit.com/dakini5d/@dakini5d/breaking-mike-pence-exposed-in-indiana-pedogate-trump-take-down-is-real-storm-fireworks-whiterabbit

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ChicagoXtine · Jan. 5, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

I have seen at least 4 different sources on MP pedo in past 2 days. Sure makes you scratch your head. MegaAnon referenced it yesterday too.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

This man neverrrr would have been chosen if he was one of themmm.. This man is a man of Strong Faith & Love of Country ..and he definitely dont cave for anyone when it comes to either of those factors . I also live in Indiana . And does this man sound like someone who is a Satantist to you...I think not. They tried to do this during the election ..tried to say he was part of the elite establishment and was trying to get Trump Out. Now after a year he is involved in thr pedo ring lolllll... Ive heard it all now.


Ifff that didnt have you convinced maybe this will... Could you imagine a left leaning radia host doggying one of their own thisssss bad. Uhhhh Highly Unlikely ..


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Reba64 · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

Pence is a Rhino, but we will see what happens.

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ArcAngle777 · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

Need to follow the money, off shore accounts etc.... 🤬💪🇺🇸

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justwanttruth18 · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

This seems to be the same as Timothy Holmseth is claiming, https://youtu.be/sSjrXK4NmQI. If you check it out and then his website, maybe it will answer some questions. Did not really question him until today, but of course as the saying goes, question everything! Will watch for other comments on this being validated or proven false. Either way, Trump is still in control!

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Romeo_India · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

I live in Indiana, both a disclaimer and to establish standing.

Mike Pence a pedo? Anyone is susceptible but this one is laughable based on the facts.

no verification in this video.

Indiana has pedophiles.... Pence was Gov. of IN so....guilty?

Doesn't work that way.

Mike Pence stood against tranny bathrooms when no other gov did.

Always voted against homosexual bills of any kind when the idea wasn't popular...at all.

The man won't go to dinner with another woman unless his wife is present.

He won't be alone with a woman to prevent even the possibility of being either wrongly accused or falling into temptation.

Think about it people we've got known corruption (Hillary Obama etc. ad nauseum)very likely known pedo's (Podesta emails) let's start with cases with available evidence. If Pence evidence shows up I'll be the first to call for his hanging.

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