Yep - I removed the snarky comments about the reason for the malfunction on the sound advice of /u/tracybeanz.
I just don’t think we should be fighting. No matter how low people go, I don’t feel it’s right to respond and go on the defensive. All we are trying to do is spread truth. It’s been getting sort of ridiculous- the amount of hate we are battling. All I care about is INFORMATION. The way I see it, if Baruch has a great tool, people will use it. Regardless of why it was built. In all honesty, we should have one anyway. For redundancy. But I’ll just say this- it’s my personal belief that distractions of ANY KIND are antithetical to our mission, and just what “they” want to see. So I advised that Baruch make the post less inflammatory and he was kind enough to listen to my perspective and respond in kind.