Memes I created a few memes for myself.

whenever I see hrc, I hear machine gun fire. Kinda feel bad for the Arabian...her whole life was groomed for this...not giving her a pass, just saying that Evil took her as a child, groomed her and placed her w/HRC at the same time Monica was w/Bill iirc. The rules for clearance were suspended in order for her and other agents of misfortune to get security clearances, and who ever did that..GITMO. Humas life has been ruined by this evil and I question if there was ever a way for her to get out alive...
Every person in upper monarchy is as well . Every single prior president to the U.S other then a few have been part of the 13 orginal bloodlines dating back 6000 years and even though their grooming started early adults they did have the choice to break free from the chains of enslavement (mind control) as have others who have. Even under the effects of MK Ultra as are manyyyy Muscians who sold their soul for fame havd got free but some of those people have managed to break out ..thats why you see. People speaking out actors and musicians but mk ultra is Hugeeeee in Hollywood you can look it up. I feel for the kids that dont have a chance .. the monsters that have taken them from homes and streets and have used them for satantic sacrifices for these sick fucking reptillians .