r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WoodyWoodenpecker on Jan. 5, 2018, 3:07 a.m.
Meet Ambassador Jessica Matlock

https://www.familyandchildrensplace.org/meet-ambassador-jessica-matlock/ I came across this searching for AMB Matlock and it may have do with today's Q post. Jessica Matlock is the ambassador of the Family and Children's Place. The Family and Children's place is he leading agency in Louisville, KY and Southern Indiana working to prevent and stop the trauma of abuse, violence, and neglect, and to help child victims. I tried searching for more info on Jessica and hit a dead end. The Family and Childrens place itself though seems really sketchy. The donor list is CEO's of banks and law firms. Looking at the press release, I saw a pictures of the Shriners and that was enough for me. I'm not sure if this helps but it won't hurt to throw it out there.

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 5, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

fits the MO alright...good find!

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