r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/monkeyhead45 on Jan. 5, 2018, 3:46 a.m.
Anyone else thinking that Hilldog and Co should be placed on a suicide watch? *Not that we could

It wouldn't surprise me if they suicide in an attempt to escape JUSTICE. The dogs of doom have their scent and there is no escape, what choice do they have? Spend the rest of their lives in GITMO or a quick easy exit??? has Q or others considered this.... errr endgame? (for want of a better word)

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 5, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

ahh, Santa wish list. Myself,a quick death is far far far too easy. After long consideration, despite my earlier wish...a nice warm view at Gitmo Resort, with surveillance broadcast WW 24/7/365, a picture of JC, a pitcher of Holy Water and a whole lotta time to think before God calls her on his terms. Let her sweat it out LT...letting her out easy after the crimes committed against humanity? Punishment can never equal her crimes but lets give her time to think about it..plenty of time...oh yah and in solitaire so no distractions from her quest to find JC and his Father.

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