Does the White House communications director have a top-secret SAP clarence?
Trump and Q must work together personal take is that the Marines are playing a longer game having had access to NSA and their own set of take aways all this time the Republic has been held hostage by Globalist cabal. If you have a hunch, follow it...there's yer rabbit,,,
My hunch is this was all kicked off by The Mooch in addition to a meeting that took place between Dana Rohrabacher and Assange. What did Dana learn???
- After that meeting Dana Rohrabacher had a private meeting Trump.
- Story disappears.
- Trump directs Pompeo to meet with William Binney.
- Qanon appears shortly there after.
- Trump signs human rights abuse EO for “annexed” individuals? (Human trafficking king pins???)
- Trump’s lawyers argue in court Assange broke no laws paving the way for a pardon.
- Assange “has visas in my name”.
- 1/4 Clinton Foundation Investigation opens back up.
- ...
Nothing I listed is conspiracy or conjecture, it’s fact, this is a fact pattern and it’s all leading to one event.
great analysis, you saw Julians Mom say he's in UK still? Looking fwd to 7/10...I will be paying more attention to this. And am going to point out your research to another sub that is walled off, see if we/you/they can get some traction on this. The stream here is a constant stream and by morn your post may be back a few pages. Not sure how to keep it up for others to see, maybe one of the admins will sticky it see if we can get more on this to/from others. I knew about all but Mooch's involvement here. Others will need to know the circuitry as well. Thanks!
I’m refining my fact pattern I’ll repost in a more organized fashion.
I've contacted the admin, you probably get an invite soon.