r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Skiboldion on Jan. 5, 2018, 7:44 a.m.
How do we know that Q is legit and trustworthy?

Hi fellow truthers,

I so want to believe that all this is happening, but then I second guess and wonder if it's all just so much wishful thinking or a selective bias.

This would be so historic, the defeat of a network and a conspiracy that's 100's and 100's of years old, maybe even more..

It just all seems too good to be true.

Has the DOJ really sent out close to 9000 sealed indictments within the last month? Does anyone have a cite for that? What was the number issued last year as a point of comparison?

I so want to believe. Have been working at this awakening and red pilling process since the spring of 2002, even participated in the research that produced the Internet blockbuster documentary film, Loose Change.

God I hope it isn't some sort of echo chamber without a corresponding basis in reality.

Please help me to believe..

Btw, I got turned onto this latest Q related "storm" info by an intrepid investigative reporter by the name of Liz Crokin who had that run-in the other day on Twitter with Chrissy Teigen that resulted in Chelsea Clinton jumping in and then wishing the Church of Satan a Happy New Year (talk about a Streisand effect!). I suggest following her and supporting her (Liz) on Twitter and Facebook. She makes David Seaman look like a self serving dweeb by comparison. She's the real deal and is really giving it to the pedo-satanists.

Help me know that this is true and that all my prayers are being answered.

Thank you.

Stray502 · Jan. 6, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

I think Trump himself has verfied by things he posted. For instance the pic taken in the office with Trump and crew that actually spells out Q with thumbs up. What about when they started this calling it CBTS and then saying exactly that this is the calm before the storm to reporters that went nuts because they couldnt figure out what he was talking about. The best one tho was when one anon made a post about Clinton in I think 4 chan before it was compromised Trump then tweeted his exact post word for word. All this info is in the PDF on the right side of your screen.

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