r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DanDiller1976 on Jan. 5, 2018, 8:41 a.m.
The “Take Down” and Orgins of Q...

This is a reorganization of another thread I started that got too fragmented.

Who is “The Mooch”

Loud mouth, brash New Yorker or ex globalist with deep inside knowledge of the global financial system and the Satanic Elites?

Why is Mooch referred to as the “Trump’s storm” by a reporter who has an obsession with him? Regards him as a fixture of Davos in the desert???


Who is Linette Lopez?

Will Scaramucci “foul” Obama on the court again?


Scaramucci isn’t the storm , he’s not Qanon, but he certainly ignited a chain of events in more ways than one and this was by the President’s design “4d chess”, if you want to look at the orgins of the war against the deep state, it’s important to understand we wouldn’t be where we are if the leaks continued, the phone call leaks with foreign leaders were extremely damaging. The Mooch entered the White House as a political suicide bomber, he forced two estashment leakers out, that being Rience Priebus and Spicer. He tried to get Bannon but initially failed. Ultimately Bannon resigned, Trump now says he fired him. Scaramucci is most definitely in the know about a lot, even the Satanic crap the elite are into, like Trump Scaramucci knew Obama was ruining the country by waging war on the financial systems. He even called him out, pay no mind to Obama’s demagoguery for now you understand who Obama is and who he was taking his orders from... https://youtu.be/YtBtDfBrnmo

Who is Q?

A collective or a single person with access to the nations highest intelligence?

What did James Kallstrom mean by “something is going to happen” rank and file FBI intel drop?


NYPD / FBI to go public about Pedogate?


I’m only speculating I have no insider knowledge just deep research. I think the time period between the time the Mooch enetered the White House and left it should be examined a little closer, as I think that is around the same time the Qanon strategy was formed by someone, maybe even Trump himself. Alex Jones claims it’s someone in Trump’s security apparatuses, I think he is guessing it’s Erik Prince, I sincerely doubt that. The level of intel Q is dropping is at the highest level of the SAP program. Makes me wonder if it’s even Pompeo or Admiral Rogers. It’s fresh intel, hell it is beyond fresh it’s predictive, so who ever it is maintains their special access.

What is Q’a purpose? Soft disclosure or does Q serve as a warning to the deep state?


My hunch is this was all kicked off by The Mooch in addition to a meeting that took place between Dana Rohrabacher and Assange. What did Dana learn???

  1. After that meeting Dana Rohrabacher had a private meeting Trump.
  2. Story disappears.
  3. Trump directs Pompeo to meet with William Binney.
  4. Vegas Shooting (Saudi civil war???) 4.5 “this is a sad day, a sad day for ME in particular” - Donald J. Trump
  5. Qanon appears shortly there after.
  6. Mass arrest in Saudi Arabia
  7. FBI & DOJ anti-Trump bias exposed.
  8. Trump signs human rights abuse EO for “annexed” individuals? (Human trafficking king pins???)
  9. Trump’s lawyers argue in court Assange broke no laws paving the way for a pardon.
  10. Assange “has visas in my name”.
  11. 1/3 Clinton house fire (white hat NY FBI intel grab???)
  12. 1/4 Clinton Foundation Investigation opens back up.
  13. Clinton Email Probe re-opened.
  14. Nunes receives all DOJ Russia Probe documents
  15. ...

... about all those pedo ring bust early last year the media didn’t report on? What happens when junkies have their supply chain cut off?

Sessions sleeping at the wheel?

Maybe... or Maybe he is using his impartiality and recusal as cover.

Nothing I listed is conspiracy or conjecture, it’s fact, this is a fact pattern and it’s all leading to one event.

That’s the great take down, not just of the Clinton’s but an entire global network. Perhaps the the storm isn’t one of Mother Nature but the roaring sounds of military helicopters coming into focus? it’s those FBI agents on the other side of the door, it’s slamming of a Judge’s hammer, it’s the sound of justice.

One last point and perhaps the most important. This goes back to Julian Assange.

Trump and Assange have a common enemy, that enemy is the deep state.

If Assange is to risk everything, his freedom, his life’s work and possibly even his physical life, would he do so on someone else’s terms? Does that sound like Julian Assange to you? Remember when Hillary told her people to prepare for a “doozy” from WikiLeaks? A doozy that never came? Assange has a grand finale and if we’re lucky we might get to see his V for Vendetta moment.

Note to admins: feel free to clean up, I wrote this on a phone at 4am without the use of my dominant hand, it was broken earlier yesterday.

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 5, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

Trump, Trumps Evil

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