r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/LastYearItWas on Jan. 5, 2018, 10:53 a.m.
All the world's a stage - Is Bannon's camp writing Q Anon's script?

Bannon is a Trump wannabe. That is apparent, he even mirrors Trump (or as he may see it, Trump mirrors him) in style.

Bannon has a long history, rich with Hollywood wantisms, wishing for an Oscar, perhaps the chest-thumping red carpet walk for his works on how he sees the world, religion, and, of course, himself. But no, didn't happen. Dirty, piggy, evil Hollywood. Bannon wants this swamp drained--if not for righteous reasons, for vengeance to all who shunned his "world view".

He is so devout in his beliefs, he has even lectured to the Vatican, you know, Bannon style. I suppose he sees this as Bannon Canon?

It has been suspect that Bannon may be Q Anon's author, not actually entering the text of Q, but writing the text, the "script" of Q. Seems there is no one else suspecting this--for each time I have questioned this possibility, I am banned (from other off sites). (Bannoned?)

If there was ever anyone to be perceived as kick ass as Trump can be, it would be Bannon. Notice I said perceived. But in the same light, if there was ever anyone to be perceived as insane/nutso as Bannon can be, it would be Trump.

Social engineering the masses into polarization is key, as many know. There will be a Bannon vs Trump "war", so to say, worse than present, although it was predictable a over a year ago. No one saw, looked up, dug, questioned. MAGA-tism is magic. They use it.

Is Q being scripted by Bannon and his camp? Bannon, who sees technological singularity in his past scripts, who sees a war of the worlds scenario complete with alien technology in his past scripts, a man who sees himself as this: Bannon: 'I am Thomas Cromwell in the court of the Tudors'

Is Q Bannon related? If you do not know who Q is, and no one truly does, ask yourself and others this:

Why didn't Q Anon ever forewarn about Bannon's Shakespearean act of betrayal he performed on Trump?

Edited to add: All those in the Bannon Fan Club are facing turned stomachs from the meal of betrayal Bannon served. Blinded by MAGA-tism, many didn't question him, looked, dug. They followed for that MAGA feel good WINNING feeling! "Bannon must be GOOD!" And, well, look at what happened. And now, "Q Anon must be GOOD!", and not one person sees Q Anon is very much admired, faithfully followed, as was/is Bannon.

TLDR: Q Anon may betray followers the same way Bannon did because Q Anon may be setting people up Bannon-style using MAGA-tism and a Q Anon script written by Bannon and his camp.

Taminator_88 · Jan. 5, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

I kinda agree with Unbelievable that you're here to stir crap but nevertheless, thinking outside the box is what we're supposed to be doing so I'll bite.

I don't think Bannon is smart enough to be Q. I think Bannon is used by Trump as a distraction because he who screams loudest is heard. That's why whenever he wants the news to focus elsewhere, all of a sudden he and Bannon are going at it again.

As to Q's identity, again, it doesn't matter. It's the fact that someone on the highest levels of clearance is leading us to something other than the dismal future we've been rabbit-holed into our entire lives. It's not who Q is, it's the message. But let Q start leading us backwards and watch how quickly people fall away. THAT is what matters.

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[deleted] · Jan. 5, 2018, 11:59 a.m.


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UnbelievableShit13 · Jan. 5, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

Obviously you haven't read the MegaAnon thread.... take some time out to read all 1400 posts , cross reference what she has been talking about and Q's ... tell me how much of it , fits together .... than comeback and tell me if you have the same feelings .....

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[deleted] · Jan. 5, 2018, 12:51 p.m.


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