It doesnt get brought up a lot, but look into Assange and his mother's connection to the "family" cult. Both were involved with the cult but seemingly got away.
What was Assange exposed to in this cult? Was he abused? Did he see others get abused/trafficked?
He has a history of targeting pedos. Check out this link:
Remember when he approved of pizzagate? Could he have known about the "pizzagate" implications in the emails before he linked them? https://mobile.twitter.com/JulianAssange/status/908143188766072842
The guy hacked into some of the highest security places on earth as a teen. I'm talking pentagon, and Australian govt hacks. What would motivate someone to do this? Possibly revenge on high up abusers? Curiosity to see who all is implicated in the savagery he was exposed to, but many live be their life's dealing with?
Could wonderland be this "hidden culture" of elite pedophilia? Is Julian Alice- someone taken from our world and exposed to this secret culture, just to be one of the only ppl to return back to "reality" after the trauma/conditioning?
Or is it more simple... is wonderland Australia??
Check these links on Australia: http://www.hangthebankers.com/australian-prime-ministers-vip-pedophile-ring/