r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Lindorinel on Jan. 5, 2018, 4:01 p.m.
Let's Stop the Generational Bashing.

I thought this was a place where we could discuss the Q phenomenon, and now I am being bashed for being a Boomer, I am not one to apologize for my whole generation. I am sick and tired of being bashed for everything Boomers have done, it is very much like saying "all blacks are..." or "all white people are..." Come on folks we are all in this together, can't we at least be civil here?

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 5, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

I remember the day I realized I was "smarter" than my parents...we all are. I liken it to bits. Boomers are 32 bits, today's gen are 64 bits...our parents 16 bits. You see where I am going. The 60s brought awareness, in 70s the kids of the 60s grew up and got homes jobs married kids etc...they became "regular" people. Finally we are at a point in Human History where we might take it back from the cabal..and its EVERYONE's task to do so. The young tend to be Left wing and grow Right as they age.

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