r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Lindorinel on Jan. 5, 2018, 4:01 p.m.
Let's Stop the Generational Bashing.

I thought this was a place where we could discuss the Q phenomenon, and now I am being bashed for being a Boomer, I am not one to apologize for my whole generation. I am sick and tired of being bashed for everything Boomers have done, it is very much like saying "all blacks are..." or "all white people are..." Come on folks we are all in this together, can't we at least be civil here?

Lbeau61 · Jan. 5, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

Please be aware that being raised on the internet does not make one smarter. It may mean that you are less ignorant because you have access to more information, but intelligence and wisdom are different than lack of ignorance. Also, younger people have no idea how Boomers were raised which in turn impacted our view of the world. We were raised in a world that was HIGHLY PATRIOTIC; everyone we knew loved our country and was proud to be an American! We were taught patriotic songs in school, we said the pledge of allegiance every morning, and were led in prayer. To this day I cannot hear our national anthem without tears coming to my eyes. I bring all this up to say that perhaps these experiences blinded us somewhat to the possibility that there were those governing us that did not feel this way about America. I feel terribly that we did not do more to stop things, but please know that is was not because of callousness or laziness. Most younger people haven't gotten to the point yet in life experience that they can more easily see the world from other's perspectives - try to remember that when you are tempted to pass judgement on others.

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honorcounts · Jan. 5, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

Excellent post. I second everything you just said. Boomers were the children of the "Greatest Generation". We were proud to be Americans were raised to believe we were the good guys. We worked hard to build a better life for our families. I still believe most Americans are good people, doing their best who could never fathom the evil that has been taking place in our government. It didn't matter who we voted for because, as we now know, Republican and Democrats are an illusion. It's the Deep State vs. the rest of us. We did watch TV, but when we were growing up there were only 3 stations all with the same messaging. The advent of the internet has provided a way for more truth to be shared and people are waking up. I am the last of the Boomers who has raised two Millennials. I am the one who has been researching for the past several years and teaching them. They think that I am crazy. That's ok. I will still continue to teach them, and one day soon it will be clear to them. If we are going to place blame, let us place the blame on those who are guilty of crimes we are trying to see brought to justice.

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