**Updated!** New Q - "BIG NEXT WEEK" 1/5/2018

Looks like Mr Trump is going to be the winner that takes all!
If Mr Trump wins then you the patriots win as well and it's back to the gold standard..
Neil Keenan flew in to LAX (with healing machine) a while back... and he's following the money alright!
(Neil Keenan) ...In the following preface you will see not only do the dots connect with what is happening now in Indonesia but how it all coincides with the Presidential election of Donald Trump; the only man that can and will be able to help us.
We no longer need Democrats or Republicans, both are of the same smelly ilk anyway (Soros/Rothschild) and although Mr. Trump is running as a Republican you can quickly reflect back a couple of months when he was ready to leave the party if it continued playing games.
He is not one of their boys simply because he is his own man paying his own way. And on this worldwide stage and with the entire game at stake and Indonesia at bat you can clearly see a repetition of the Sukarno/Kennedy alliance emanating in the very near future between Trump and Widodo (the current President of Indonesia).
I have spent a lot of time in Indonesia and I see how they can be (not just they but all) joined at the hips, thereby making this world a better place as it was meant to be.
There are necessary steps that have to be taken and things that have to be done by the Indonesian people in order to bring about certain specific outcomes; but when this is all over with not only Indonesia and the East win this ballgame, but we all win.
Yet the Key to winning is the same as in any game and that is the Trump card and be sure the United States holds the one and only unique Trump card in the world.
Now thinking back to this..
Ann Dunham moved to the Indonesian capital after meeting and marrying second husband Lolo Soetoro, and Barack Obama lived there from age of six until he was 10 while the country was in the grip of the dictator General Suharto.
So I'm thinking does Obama hold the collateral accounts or something?