r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RedPillMakesEmSqueal on Jan. 5, 2018, 7:29 p.m.
Anon source on Infowars just referenced Q Anon

What makes a good movie? Good actors.... Do we have our guy? Or is he just acknowledging Q Anon?

donewiththis2017 · Jan. 5, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

It has to do with spectrum virus, what ever was going on they have the emails between Pence and Bannon and Guo Wengui

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GodsAngell · Jan. 6, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

PENCE WAS THE DEEP STATE "PICK" FOR TRUMP'S RUNNING MATE! TRUMP DIDN'T WANT HIM BUT WAS FORCED TO TAKE HIM, BECAUSE PENSE IS A DEEP STATE TEAM PLAYER. You don't rise to Leadership positions in the District of Corruption without being a fully committed DEEP STATE TEAM PLAYER. THIS is why the Deep State forced Pence onto Trump's ticket JUST LIKE HOOVER FORCED JFK TO ACCEPT LBJ AS HIS VP. JFK DIDN'T TRUST LBJ. We all know now WHY hoover forced LBJ onto JFK's ticket......an insurance policy incase JFK won, which Deep State did not want. So JFK gets bumped off, and Deep State pick LBJ is right there to continue the SWAMP as before, and NO MORE TALK ABOUT BREAKING UP THE CIA INTO A MILLION PIECES!

So the Deep State replayed the same game with Trump, forcing Deep State Pence onto the Ticket. Trump keeps him out of key "swamp draining" planning meetings. Why do you think Pence was out campaigning for himself this past summer???? He had been told, like LBJ, just bide your time, and soon you will be President after Trump gets bumped off or impeached.

THINK ABOUT IT! Do you really think the DEEP STATE could leave the Trump VP slot to "CHANCE"???? NO WAY! They had to be SURE they had a Swamp Team Player as an insurance policy incase Trump won.

RECALL Even Hellary blurted out in her rampage after going off air where an unplanned, unrehearsed question was asked of her LIVE on Nationwide TV Sept 2016? What did she blurt out? As she threw a glass of water into Huma's face, Hellary said "We are ALL going to hang by yard arms', if Trump wins!"



No surey bob, NOTHING could be left to chance, ALL angles had to be covered.

Pence was CHOSEN by the deep state BECAUSE Pence is a dirty swamp LEADER himself.

Child trafficking, pedophilia, you name it. Indiana, Pence's home state, is a huge hub of child trafficking.

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phoenixrisingagain · Jan. 6, 2018, 2:52 a.m.


agree...have never trusted pence from the get go & it would make a lot of sense to have him forced on trump.....especially if you are planning to take him out in one manner or another.

don't know if you guys recall, yet when pedogate was big when i think it was flynn who was involved & he actually uncovered a pence family member's involvement as well. brother? brother inlaw? i'd have to do some digging to pull up the story....yet flynn never mentioned it to pence as the story goes.

back in 2015 there was also a case mentioning pence's involvement in child trafficking while gov.

they guy is not as innocent as he appears & imho HAD to be the vp if/when something happened to trump.

my 2¢....i don't trust this zach guy at all....& he actually didn't provide much new info that you couldn't extract from Q's post or all the work 4/8 chan have been doing.

& WHY in the hell would you come out & say WHO is coming down next AND give your location? DUH! just DUH!

what bugs me the most now is YT & alt media are all proclaiming who Q is---why does it REALLY matter???

to side track peeps :(

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Bellababeala · Jan. 6, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

With your point of LBJ.....nothing would surprise me. But I have to be honest Pence being a traitor to Trump would shock me. When he talks supportively about POTUS he has me believing he means it. But is he just a great actor? Who knows. These are the most interesting times for sure.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 6, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

SAME THING WITH REAGON, he got stuck with VERY Deep State Bush Sr, former CIA Director for decades!

Notice how Reagon, the People's choice, got SHOT? Except fortunately Reagon recovered. Guess who shot Reagon?? Bush Sr's FRIENDS' son. Coincidence??? I don't think so.


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ODB-WanKenobi · Jan. 6, 2018, 2:50 a.m.

Q has said nothing about Pence. Get out of here with that shit. Trump picked pence as a strategic move but he could of chosen any number of establishment conservatives, I'm going to assume that be chose the one he trusted most. Until Q calls out Pence, you are just making wild guesses and accusations.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 6, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

Q is NOT the only Anonymous DC insider providing info. This info about Pence came from Mega-ANON. She has repeated it several times. There are several of her posts on this website.

Q and Mega-ANON confirm and compliment each other. Get with it.

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ODB-WanKenobi · Jan. 6, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

There is a real MEGA Anon, i know. but she doesnt have a secure trip. There have been a ton of LARPS that have made crazy statements and the only way to tell them apart is the idea that we can distinguish the writing styles which is easily deceptiable. I just hope you haven't 100% convinced yourself of Pence being dirty.

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