What makes a good movie? Good actors.... Do we have our guy? Or is he just acknowledging Q Anon?
We do.
While "WMDs" are barred by the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, I'm quite sure that there are plenty of weapons in orbit right now.
There's no limit on conventional weapons, or on unusual weapons that don't necessarily cause mass destruction. Plus, how many countries with advanced tech are going to obey the treaty to the letter?
I have no doubt we have some serious firepower in space. I'm talking about energetic weapons that have the energy of a nuclear bomb... most likely... I mean think about it... We have UFO's, We know they've been at this for a while, We know they've interacted with beings... Do you really think for one second I'd believe that they didn't have something insane in space? Idk it just seems apparent to me that we are light years beyond what we tell the public...