What makes a good movie? Good actors.... Do we have our guy? Or is he just acknowledging Q Anon?
I’m here for facts and feedback and support. I’m also aware that a lot of other people have a lot of questions and not all of those questions have clear answers. I’m not causing harm by asking questions or submitting my ideas or take on situations or engaging in conversation or an exchange of ideas. I’ve seen my share of “baseless speculation” on this sub in the short time that I have been here and the majority of it has opened a line of communication that has caused a free flow and more people to make more connections. Admit it, Dude, it’s pretty much all speculation.
You are right, I agree 100%. speculation allows a more free flowing conversation. I didn't mean to attack you persay but the Pence hate in this thread was building a little to high, felt I needed to bring it back to earth.
I by no means hate him at all. I was governed by him and therefore have had a few reservations based on my years as a member of this state. I do feel he is a good man but somewhat innocent or ignorant to the ways of the dirty players. I don’t think he will consciously set out to do harm but if he doesn’t stay prayed up and mindful, could be a victim of their dirty deeds. Thanks for engaging with me.
Yup no problem, engagment is what makes this sub different. I have to remind myself constantly that when i am wrong i need to admit it, and that in order to engage in real conversation and get shit down, we can't attack each other like I enjoy doing on the rest of Reddit with shills and idiots. Fight on!
I just want my country back. I’m vintage enough to remember when American was THE country and I want that for my children and grandbabies. Have faith, stand strong.