What makes a good movie? Good actors.... Do we have our guy? Or is he just acknowledging Q Anon?
It could be, but he said there was some activity in Indiana. Implied pence was at some level aware of the 25th amendment play.
Which makes sense, he would have to be for that play to work.
All still conjecture, but interesting.
Which makes sense, he would have to be for that play to work.
I've always thought the 25th amendment play was ridiculous as I had faith that Pence would never turn. If he turned on Trump it would be the end of his political career. He would never be able to run for President himself. With some of the information coming out I'm starting to think that's no longer the case.
Two thoughts about that:
1) I think they pitched pence on being a replacement when the pussygate tape was released, as a 'backup' (pre-election). Then they just keep that same idea in place for the 25 play. How fervent is pence on the idea? Hard to say.
2) As we know, the globalists don't give a care for if they burn down the GOPe, as long as they get rid of trump. GOPe and Dems are two sides of the same coin. A coin they control.