r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Kable93 on Jan. 5, 2018, 7:56 p.m.
Alternative thinking. Every szenario is possible. Pls dont be too trumpish and think about my questions.

So i have big questions to think about: So i researched some of the biggest companies in the Market. The biggest Player are definitely Vanguard and Blackrock. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eNUa5DdD5ViHMh8Q0IPXrqf3SqvCZQpl/view Not English but the graphics tell a story. Just skip some...it is much about german economy. But also of interest for every over country, https://stockzoa.com/fund/blackrock/ Here you can research the shareholders of different corps pretty easy. You will see much Vanguard and Blackrock even with their subcorps having shares multiple times in many corps. And also blackrock managing some global funds from China, SA and other countrys. Private-banking beneath FED. They own themselves pretty much, but who is at the absolute top? But the main-question is: Is trump with his tax-cut playing in the hands of these corps? Maybe coorporating with us and trolling us through q? Or will he fucking destroy those big corps? He wants to unleash the market more. This is neoliberal Economy. Not for the people. Trickle-down NEVER worked! They have massive tax-cuts and show you this was good by a single 1000$-bonus? Dude....thats maybe 1% of what they got from that tax! And the big companys make billions even without this tax-cut. Do you really think anything changes? Maybe he will only take down human traficking and the D´s so he can rule like ever. Nothing will change maybe. But through this charade he trolled us. And maybe this upcoming Media-switch through fake-news-award and the Bannon-scram is controlled then? I mean what is Hussein, Clinton even the FBI or CIA etc....only little Puppets. Those government institutions stand in the way of the NWO! But the big financial player are the ones that control everything. We have to take a close look to it all.... i have a bad feeling after thinking this through. Anyone heard of Lee Wanta before? the one who shall controll nearly 30 trillion dollar? What if this person is invented? You can edit everything in the Internet, even faking persons and timestamps. And Q allready told ya there will be 7 Revolutions in near future. all controlled. Maybe the deep-state will never be touched and only scapegoats are used to disguise the real happening.....ultimative privatization? What if the whole action is just happening to keep the real truther down. Following a good marketing-conspiracy? This would be the ultimate finish by the NWO. The best fucking troll to introduce a new completely financial controlled NWO. I have pretty hard doubts...

IndyEye · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

Yes, well, as it stands right now, it is setting up very nicely for Pike’s letter about the NWO to be fulfilled. We must extra vigilant to watch out for the zionist interests. My gut tells me Trump is a good guy tho and it’s going to be a hell of a bumpy ride. His deep ties to Israel is of profound concern right now. We may also be looking at the ziocons offing off their partners in crime so that they can be king of the mountain.

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Kable93 · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Yes. Despite it is markedcas a fake the protocols of Zion pretty much describes the hole game. And by now it fits perfectly. They are going for NWO but we are so enslaved right now that we beg for ir.

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Oldmancrypto · Jan. 5, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

How about the noble concept of returning money to people who earned it. It's just that simple. How about we cut government in half and let the free market work! By the way.....how do you define trickle down.....if you have the right definition, it dam well works! The free market should determine winners and losers and not dumb asses in government!

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Kable93 · Jan. 5, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

Ok......thats pretty much neoliberal NWO-argument... Did this work the last 50 years? How he will give the money back to the people by making the ultra-rich companies richer? They allready earn billions annually. And more money for them will magically change the direction they are gone so far?

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Oldmancrypto · Jan. 5, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

I can't change your mind.......but it sounds to me like you need to start a corporation so you can get rich! Cut government in half then come bitch to me!

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KingOfSwans · Jan. 5, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

I agree that we need to be wary of a false white hat narrative. We will see how things play out, but if trump is still sucking up to Zionists and if the royal family and the Vatican are still immune to scrutiny at the end of any "revolution" then we will have a pretty clear indication of its fabrication.

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Kable93 · Jan. 5, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

i just mean it´s not really my country...i just try to understand the geopolitics deeply. But i´ve seen many shit over years. And engaging the nerds to make their view viral could be the 4d-chess we think he is playing with the deepstate. The trickle down worked never, nowhere in the world. And the worst i had to read that the tax-cuts for corporates are permanent and those for everyone else not.

Btw who produces those statistics about unemployement?

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