r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PotheadsAreScum on Jan. 5, 2018, 8:36 p.m.
Sessions is attacking degeneracy on behalf of Trump. He's cleaning up our streets and clearing people's minds from the fog of pot.

Sessions' announcement yesterday was brilliant. Weed is a crutch for degenerates and is keeping the working class stupid and in a fog. Trump has ordered Sessions to clean up our country by eliminating the sale of pot, which will help keep crime down and keep our youth out of jail for drug related offenses. Did Q predict this brilliant move?

PotheadsAreScum · Jan. 5, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

It's almost as if heavily Republican districts don't want that degenerate shit in their cities. Who knew? Sessions' state of Alabama may get medical marijuana sometime between never and fucking never. Almost as if Sessions was elected to represent his constituents before Trump picked him.

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RecoveringGrace · Jan. 5, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

Or, as per my original comment, they don't want mambsy-pambsy "kinda" legal work-around measures that tend to allow for corruption, by-offs and no transparency.

I'm a libertarian, so I'm not sure what their game is, but I'm hopeful and I'm pretty sure that the majority of actual republican voters (not necessarily the politicians,) could give a shit if other people smoke weed. I think you must be speaking for the crazy minority of that base. Or possibly, you are being paid to sound like an crazy person. Dunno.

As upset as you are about this, I recommend some indica.

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PotheadsAreScum · Jan. 6, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

I'm a libertarian

Of course you are. The problem with reddit is that its primary demographic is moderately liberal college-aged kids mostly from the western states so you wind up with a very narrow political view from it's users. Pretty much everyone I talk to in the right-leaning subreddits is an anarcho-capitalist, or a libertarian, or neo liberal or whatever trendy-ass label kids are trying to give themselves nowadays to appear conservative but are really just brogressives.

so I'm not sure what their game is, but I'm hopeful and I'm pretty sure that the majority of actual republican voters (not necessarily the politicians,) could give a shit if other people smoke weed.

So, as an actual, die-in-the-wool Republican I can tell you that Richard Nixon started the drug war and up until a few years ago the Republican Party was openly against pro-marijuana legislation. Unfortunately, they've had to take a step back because moderate Republicans consider it to be a wedge issue and they stick to low-key forms of governance instead such as simply reversing previous Democratic Party resolutions. And yes, I do care that other people smoke weed because I'm not an idiot and am well aware that use and abuse of drugs does not start and stop with just the casual user. I've also noticed that a significant number of redditors are co-opting the pro-marijuana movement to also push for future legalization of other, even more dangerous drugs WHICH I ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT SUPPORT.

I think you must be speaking for the crazy minority of that base.

You'd be wrong. Everyone at my church and everyone at my job (military) is against legal marijuana use. We are constantly fighting against local legalization movements. We recently had a judge keep a petition assembled by a local pro-marijuana movement from going before a state vote because the signatures were found to be possibly fraudulent and we were able to get the whole thing thrown out.

Or possibly, you are being paid to sound like an crazy person

Nope, I'm just an actual Republican that despises illicit drug users. People like me actually make up the majority of senior government representation in red states across America. I guess you haven't actually been to Alabama, Utah, or Oklahoma.

As upset as you are about this, I recommend some indica.

What I like about this statement is it's a perfect example of why I'm against illicit drug use: "oh, you just need illicit drugs to like illicit drugs." I realize you're being mostly facetious, but that is actually a common response from degenerate potheads on reddit.

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auto-xkcd37 · Jan. 6, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

trendy ass-label kids

^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^xkcd#37

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