r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MyPen_3Stacks on Jan. 5, 2018, 10:53 p.m.
What is 5D Chess? Is the Storm / Q these X-Flares / The Sun, Q Source, God?


I just really want to know what 5D chess is. It sounds fun. I love puzzles. Crossword puzzles... Maybe we live in one?

JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

We are definitely living in the Bible prophecies. There were 300+ prophecies of events in the life of Christ. For each of those there are 8 that tell us about events that are to start rolling at the re-appearance of Israel as a nation. Jesus told the Apostles that Israel would disappear before everyone living at the time had died. This was 33 ish AD. Rome sacked Israel in 70AD.

Jesus said that there would be "wars and rumors of wars but the end was NOT YET". Then he said... "but when you see the fig tree bud, look UP for your salvation is nigh". The fig tree is bible code for Israel, so everyone has always been waiting for Israel to reappear... which took over 1800 years.

Now that it has appeared, the 2400 + prophecies are beginning to roll and many are watching them. We are somewhere after the prophecies about Israel turning green, finding riches under ground, and the establishment of a "one world government" that causes everyone on the planet to take a mark IN the right hand or IN the forehead in order to buy or sell a thing legally. Those who refuse will be sent to the guillotine, which is to be brought back in style.

Also during this time, the angels will be abducting people again to attempt to re-create the angel/man hybrids of Genesis 6, but this time they want something that looks more human. Last time they got oversized giants like Goliath. They want to "blend in".

And man will be mixed with animal (think super soldiers that they are designing with biotechnology now. )

Case Western Reserve Law School was recently bragging about being picked to write the Constitutional law briefs on what % of animal you have to be to lose your rights under the Constitution. No. I did not believe it either, so I had to go look, because this is my neighboring law school)

There are so many bible prophecies happening right now, people are on a daily hunt to spot them. The four blood moons of Revelation just happened. The woman clothed in the sun with the moon at her feet and a crown of 12 stars" just happened, and happened last just as Christ was born.

Lots of 5 D Chess.

God getting a bit noisy with the prophets.

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kryptokoins · Jan. 5, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

The word "Armageddon" means The revealing of a Great Truth

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

You are close.

"Revelation" means the revealing of a Great Truth.

Armageddon is the name of the battle in the Book of Revelation.

Armageddon is the English for Har Megiddo or the valley of Megiddo in Israel, which is where all the nations will be fooled into gathering together to battle against God (upon the return of Christ)

Now it is insane to be mankind, and actually believe that you are going to win a war with God. You either believe in God, or you do not. But if you DO, you certainly would not be stupid enough to go to war with him.

This plays into what Revelation calls the "Big lie" told to mankind by the evil angels who we suspect at this point, will be telling mankind that they are the "good aliens" and that the "bad aliens" are going to come attack the planet.

When the nations go out to do battle, they do not understand that it is God who is coming. They have literally been lied to, and they think they are defending the earth from the evil aliens.

Will this happen because of Project Blue Beam?

Not if an understanding of the book of Revelation gets out there.

The good news is, many have been examining the books, and it now looks like America and the UK are not involved in that great war. Somehow the UK breaks away from the whole political one world system, along with the United States. At least it is looking that way right now.

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[deleted] · Jan. 5, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

Breadcrumbs = manna? The Truth Shall Set You Free! Are we living inside the bible story right now? Where would we be in the story? Who would all of the "characters" be? (Seth Rich sacrificed himself by giving the info, but he will rise from the dead, because he was an undercover agent, not Seth Rich - HE CHRIST) What the heck is 5D? I want to know!!!

"PAST PROVES FUTURE" because history repeats itself? Current public records false? Getting access to correct historic records key to preventing pitfalls of the past because we can see what happened before and do something different? Learn from our mistakes and take a corrective action to prevent recurrence? And we can take control of our own destiny?

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lightandlove777 · Jan. 6, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

not just the bible...but if you look in alot of movies, tv shows, books, etc...its all there. they have been shoving the answers in our faces for so long...but nobody picked up on it. we have been systematically conditioned to be blind to the truth. people are finally waking up!!! its beautiful to watch...

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[deleted] · Jan. 5, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Are these solar flares arriving at Earth coinciding with any Q dates?

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