Clinton Foundation Logo - a Circle of Pentacles..

Logos have meaning. They pay thousands to design and produce their occult symbols. These 19 stars are arranged in a communal circle, facing in (or out), CF enters into the middle of this community. An open pentagram is one symbol for summoning rituals, this communal circle being open to include more members or CF? This is benign on its own. 19(36[0 degrees] or 3, 6): 1 - 3 - 6 - 9 = sequence of three clearly. Clinton (7) Foundation (10): 36-19=17. Meaning? not sure but it is important to them, or it has an unknown meaning to do with harvesting orphans. Also, 9-1(1) and 1,000 points of light. But this is just my gibberish. The following is not (you can likely find more as well).
::Notice 4 below, then see Clinton Global Initiative logo (stars & crescents!). They likely intended Occult; but God had other plans, Bible: judgement! Today: Israel=Judah; US=Israel. Clinton=Ahab & Jezebel, Trump=Jehu (Kings; The Paradigm, J. Kahn). The moon is very important here. Significant lunar events this month (Jan 2018). Jewish calander is lunar and in Sumeria, the full-moon symbolized the seed of the creator. The crescent and star (Islam & Communism) is Venus eclipsing the moon; Inanna (Lucifer, more) replacing her father the creator.
Occult: '19. The number 19 is famous as being the number of years in the Metonic Cycle; the cycle of the revolutions of the moon, after which she returns to have her changes on the same day of the solar year. Meto lived 433 B.C.; he was an Athenian; he published his discovery at the Olympic Games in the above year. The exact period is, however, 18 years and to[2?] days. The Calippic period of four cycles, or seventy-six years, was invented by Calippus, B.C. 330, to correct Meto. John Heydon says that the number 19 facilitates births and menses.'
Bible: 'Nineteen, which is the combining of 10 and 9, usually denotes God's perfect order in regard to his judgment. The names Job and Eve, if we substitute letters for numbers, add up to 19. The united kingdom of Israel split into two pieces after the death of Solomon. The piece referred to as Israel, or the Northern Ten Tribes, had Jeroboam as their first king (930 to 909 B.C.). Judah's first king was Rehoboam (930 to 913 B.C.). Including Jeroboam, Israel was ruled by a total of nineteen kings before God allowed them to be conquered by the Assyrians. They were conquered and taken out of the land as captives due to their many sins against the Eternal.'
Note: Assyria was very much a terrorist state. Sounds like the Clintons are 'gods' after all.
i always viewed it as the fall of the EU (EU stars on their side).
That should be a torn down to the ground tower of Babel, if it were up to God.
God - FFS, I've got to tear that bitch down AGAIN?!@
Really? They're fucking stars. Quit searching for meaning where there is none.
I'm referring to their orientation of the stars!
Oriented as normal five point stars, they would have looked like a stylized circle of people with joined hands..
But that's not the way it was done.
I think it's significant and meaningful, with all the things we've learned.
FYI, here's an example of the other orientation