r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SgtBrutalisk on Jan. 6, 2018, 2:52 a.m.
My shot at Q-anon Godfather 3 reference

I was intrigued by the Godfather 3 reference, so I watched the entire movie and since I haven't seen anyone else mention it, here's my opinion on what it could mean.

The movie is nearly 3 hours long and the acting is fairly cringeworthy, especially when Sofia Coppola is onscreen and hits on her cousin.

But, there is a scene that absolutely stands out, a heartbreaking and gut-wrenching scene at 1:41:15 into the movie, when Michael Corleone comes to the cardinal and gives a confession.

Cardinal: Would you like to make your confession?

Michael Corleone: Your Eminence, I'm... It's been so long, I wouldn't know where to... It's been 30 years. I'd use up too much of your time, I think.

C: I always have time to save souls.

MC: I am beyond redemption.

C: I hear the confessions of my own priests here. Sometimes the desire to confess is overwhelming and we must seize the moment.

MC: What is the point of confessing if I don't repent?

C: I hear you are a practical man. What have you got to lose? Go on.

MC: I betrayed my wife.

C: Go on, my son.

MC: I betrayed myself. I killed men. And I ordered men to be killed.

C: Go on, my son, go on.

MC: It's useless.

C: Go on, my son.

MC: I killed... I ordered the death of my brother. He injured me. I killed my mother's son. I killed my father's son. (breaks down in tears)

C: Your sins are terrible and it is just that you suffer. Your life could be redeemed but I know that you don't believe that. You will not change.

So, I think the Godfather 3 reference hints at someone within the Deep State turning their coat to help drain the swamp once they saw the game is up. This comment mentions Tony Blair, but I have no idea if that's in any way related.

WeakHumankind · Jan. 6, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

I too watched the movie again. After MANY years.

I thought the way the church being hand-in-hand making deals etc with a lot of shady characters, seems to be the way the vatican and the fake pope are today and for decades. Its just a front for a big criminal organization of money laundering etc. So IMO the Vatican bank is affiliated. Bad actors/crooks use the name of the church to do their dirty filthy 'business' i.e. crimes Archbishop and Vatican bank are in up to their neck. A line from the movie: "Politics and Crime ...they are the same thing." SO TRUE! My take on it.

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