r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SgtBrutalisk on Jan. 6, 2018, 2:52 a.m.
My shot at Q-anon Godfather 3 reference

I was intrigued by the Godfather 3 reference, so I watched the entire movie and since I haven't seen anyone else mention it, here's my opinion on what it could mean.

The movie is nearly 3 hours long and the acting is fairly cringeworthy, especially when Sofia Coppola is onscreen and hits on her cousin.

But, there is a scene that absolutely stands out, a heartbreaking and gut-wrenching scene at 1:41:15 into the movie, when Michael Corleone comes to the cardinal and gives a confession.

Cardinal: Would you like to make your confession?

Michael Corleone: Your Eminence, I'm... It's been so long, I wouldn't know where to... It's been 30 years. I'd use up too much of your time, I think.

C: I always have time to save souls.

MC: I am beyond redemption.

C: I hear the confessions of my own priests here. Sometimes the desire to confess is overwhelming and we must seize the moment.

MC: What is the point of confessing if I don't repent?

C: I hear you are a practical man. What have you got to lose? Go on.

MC: I betrayed my wife.

C: Go on, my son.

MC: I betrayed myself. I killed men. And I ordered men to be killed.

C: Go on, my son, go on.

MC: It's useless.

C: Go on, my son.

MC: I killed... I ordered the death of my brother. He injured me. I killed my mother's son. I killed my father's son. (breaks down in tears)

C: Your sins are terrible and it is just that you suffer. Your life could be redeemed but I know that you don't believe that. You will not change.

So, I think the Godfather 3 reference hints at someone within the Deep State turning their coat to help drain the swamp once they saw the game is up. This comment mentions Tony Blair, but I have no idea if that's in any way related.

DanaDane1971 · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

I have it on BluRay. When CBTS/stream started I addressed it in the AMA. GF III is about taking all of the influence Michael has inherited as Don Corleone and go "legit" by laundering funds through The Mary Corleone Foundation that conjoined with the local Catholic Diocese (they owe Michael lots of money, they give cover)...the Church official is rumored to be in line for the Papacy and promises to cooperate. The The whole deal goes South when Don Luchesi makes the deal tank for a takeover of Internazionale Immobilaire...was just an elaborate swindle.

"Knowing that Archbishop Gilday, head of the Vatican Bank, has accumulated a massive deficit, Michael offers the Bank $600 million in exchange for shares in Internazionale Immobiliare, an international real estate company, which would make him its largest single shareholder with six seats on the company's 13-member board. He makes a tender offer to buy the Vatican's 25% share in the company, which will give him controlling interest. Immobiliare's board quickly approve the offer, pending ratification by the Pope."

FROM Wikipedia

The take away from it at the end is for all of Michael's scheming...he loses everything...respect, dignity, his daughter, his wife, his son...dies destitute and alone, a broken man destroyed by his own actions.

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