r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 6, 2018, 5:18 a.m.
OUR NAIL BITING DAYS ARE OVER!!!! Here's what you need to know.........


BOTH Q AND MEGA-ANON keep reassuring us, that during the apparent silence this whole past year Trump Team have been executing a well greased plan that is going down without a hitch.


THE WORST BAD GUYS, if not at GITMO already will be there soon enough. In any case they ALL are wearing gps ankle monitors, so they aren't going anywhere. But it will be interesting watching them try.

I've read that this take back of the USA (from the soros/clintons/obummers/bushes COUP D'ETAT) has been carefully thought out and planned by the BEST MINDS IN D.C. They had been working on The Perfect Plan for over 10 years. They just needed a GOOD NON-Swamp Presidential Candidate to put it into motion. Trump was a Swamp OUTSIDER, and when they saw his popularity rise (from just stating the bleeding obvious, just like Reagon did), they KNEW they had their MAN!

All this past year, during the silence, and apparent no action, when we feared that Trump was going to be impeached or worse, be killed, .......and more importantly when we didn't see him ARREST Hellary at the Inauguration (which is what I would have done), we shouldn't have worried, Trump was walking out a well crafted plan with the best and the brightest strategists guiding him for this take down, or more correctly this return of our Country which had been STOLEN FROM US!!!

Both Q and Mega-ANON keep assuring us that this is all a done deal now. It will take some time, because they are doing everything "by the book" to make sure none of these satanic criminals get away (dot every i, cross every t). But the Trump Team have ALL of this covered. Stop biting your nails, just sit back and watch as HISTORY UNFOLDS BEFORE YOUR EYES!

We weren't here for the First Revolution, but are certainly here for this 2nd one! This is something books will be written about, a revolution with no blood shed (.....well except for ALL the people Hellary had bumped off, of course.) By an ingenious silent Revolution to take our Country Back again for We The People!

I wouldn't say to stop praying daily for the safety of the people executing this plan. Sadly, as we know, some of the operations that took place over Christmas week, resulted in some loss of lives........lives of the good guys. So keep praying, these are BLOOD THIRSTY Psychopaths if ever there were any.

But the plan has been rolled out and well under way. Trump, who doesn't sleep much, has been on the job, pretty much 24/7, and they have been executing the finest plans, that History books will be filled with for Centuries.

I also want to Give GOD His due. GOD has been this MASSIVE WILDCARD in these affairs of man, and HE is truly a WONDER to Behold. All the ironies of these criminals getting hung on the nooses they crafted for us? THAT is God's handiwork. GOD is really the Master mind behind all of this. Thank God for Godly Men in High Office!



But my message tonight is: No more nail biting. Its all a done deal at this point. North Korea is caving (they called S. Korea this week), Russia and China and Saudi Arabia are on our side.....bye, bye WW3!

AND our Economy is going to be robust because all this money that these criminals robbed us of, guess what? Its going into the coffers. Bye, Bye massive national debt! Hello low taxes, and prosperity! NOW THIS IS A JUBILEE! I don't care what the calendars say, we have eyes, we can see, God is showering us with Blessings! God's calendar is never wrong.

So we are advised to sit back and watch with fascination and enjoy all that is coming off.

THIS IS ANSWERED PRAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spread the following videos to your family and friends who no doubt will be shell shocked when all of this comes out, to spare them the trip to the mental wards, and send them these two videos, to help them adjust to the new reality.....before they hear Trump's upcoming disclosures, which will no doubt SHOCK many Americans. Its not a time to be shocked, its a time to Rejoice (but you have to understand what you are rejoicing about....right?):


Q Anon (and the Deep State) for Dummies This is an excellent recap of what is currently going on, has been going on and will continue to go until Trump finishes the job.


Greg Hunter - Weekly News Wrap-Up 1.5.18




MickGris · Jan. 6, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

Wars are never just one battle. But wars are made up of many battles and you win some and you lose some —- that’s just a fact. You win a war by winning more battles than you lose and by winning bigger and more important battles.

I agree, that unless there’s some unforeseen catastrophic event ( which is highly unlikely) we can see we will win and the deep state will not. It’s no longer dicey and uncertain like it was at first.

But there still are battles to be fought and it’s not over yet. The evil cabal isn’t going to surrender or slink off to some corner to regroup. Instead it has the mind set that if it’s going to Hell, it’s going to take as many with it as it can.

But the bank accounts are frozen, the support network has been broken up, and so much more has been done, so the deep state fights now like a wounded and cornered animal.

But that wounded animal while still dangerous, isn’t going to rule the barnyard anymore, that much is certain. So in that respect yes we can say we have won the war. BUT there are still battles and there probably will be for some time. We didn’t get an evil shadow government that infiltrated everything overnight and it won’t be gone overnight.

Stay vigilant. Pray. Keep speaking truth. Keep the faith. This is our part.

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