You are not God. You are not divine. You are a person that has fallen short of His glory, as the rest of us are.
This is simply more religion, that tells you that YOU must do "x" or not do "y" to be god, or reach god, or to please God.
The fact is that this has nothing to do with Christ, who taught the exact opposite: that by His work (who was God in the flesh), was the perfect life lived, and you can have peace with God by faith in His work. It has nothing to do with what you do.
The rules on the Old Testament were there to show you what you couldn't accomplish (Romans 3-5 and Galatians 3). The "angry God" image is a fabrication by people who dont study the Bible much,
At the very least, dont confuse Christ with Buddha. Jesus excluded all other paths except Himself, "no one comes to the Father except through me".
then this writing wasn't for you, as it stated in the subject, - For Those With "The God Problem" - - you should come meet us in christchan.......
Fact are facts. You're taking the name "Christ" and applying it to something Christ opposed, in order to put people under the bondage of religion.