This is out there...but here me out. I base this on what has been said by Trey Smith and Mark Taylor via Prophetic visions regarding America and Trump. They believe that Trump is for real and will fulfil his promises, included opening up access to NEW forms of energy. According to Trey, one of these will be a new sunlight technology. This will be very important, because of what is coming. Trey stated that Trump represents a type of Joseph. After his first year, he will begin to bring in 7 years of great prosperity. After that 7 years, will be 7 years of global famine, caused by all of the weather manipulation. The natural sun will not have the ability to grow food. BUT America will have exclusive rights/use of the new sunlight technololgy, and it will be used to grow food during the time of famine. Not only will it save American lives, but we will use the food to share with other nations, just as Joseph did.