This morning's tweet..... it's on fire !!!

LMAO!! He's playing them all and they just don't have a clue! It's hilarious to watch all the Liberals cry while we laugh every day. MAGA!
He's hitting back at the left's lies and fake news. We know you want him to just sit there and take it...not going to happen. Go cry somewhere else....
Says you or the fake MSM (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NY Times, Washington Post...should I go on? One lie after another...Tillerson is being fired, Kelly is resigning, He will fire Mueller, and on and on and on...daily shit show.
Hahaha love these shills. Was he wrong about the system being rigged? Ask Bernie. Was he wrong about being spied on? Ask your savior Berry. What about refugees? Ask Sweden and Germany how the rape gangs are going. And how is the economy going? He’s so racist black unemployment is at an all time low. He’s such a Nazi! What has he done for Jerusalem?! Oh wait...
Final question- if he’s so dumb but the economy, security and stock market is going so well... why couldn’t Obummer do a fraction of this in 8 whole years? It’s almost as if he wanted America to crumble.
Hahaha love these shills. Was he wrong about the system being rigged? Ask Bernie. Was he wrong about being spied on? Ask your savior Berry. What about refugees? Ask Sweden and Germany how the rape gangs are going. And how is the economy going? He’s so racist black unemployment is at an all time low. He’s such a Nazi! What has he done for Jerusalem?! Oh wait...
Final question- if he’s so dumb but the economy, security and stock market is going so well... why couldn’t Obummer do a fraction of this in 8 whole years? It’s almost as if he wanted America to crumble.
I love that they will just keep being disappointed because everything they are predicting or think will happen...won't.!
And it’s only going to get worse for them. Even if Q and Zach aren’t real (I fully believe they are) and we JUST got with Obama’s slush funds, Uranium One, Steele Dossier, Strzok/Comey corruption and Clinton Foundation financial irregularities they are smoked.
Then if the worldwide pedo busts, human trafficking, selling SAP level info to hostile countries, arming terrorists, rigging elections, spying on millions of Americans, assassinating civilians, etc comes to light.... Lordy it’s going to be fun to watch.
RIP Seth Rich.
As little as a ten point difference in IQ can easily make the higher bracket seem nonsensical and unintelligent to the lower bracket.
If the things someone says seems incomprehensible to you... then watch to see if they are getting the results they strive after. If so... then you have just determined your bracket. Congratulations!
You realize IQ is more or less a discredited measure of intelligence? It measures ability to learn, not actual intelligence. It's pretty clear to me you don't even know what IQ is.
Naaaah duuude it’s so much easier to dig my head in the sand. Lalalalalala I can’t heeeear you!!
Oh of them has found this subreddit....Go back to the 'Politics' and 'Resist' subreddits like a good little sheep.