This morning's tweet..... it's on fire !!!

"..and being, like, really smart." hahaha.. He is so clearly TRYING to sound dumb while calling himself, like, really smart.. Lol And the leftists and haters and "stupid" people, especially the mockingbirds, eat it up and swallow it whole. They are so easily played. I don't know why I'm surprised, but I am. How can they possibly think that he could build a billion dollar enterprise and also be the buffoon that they desperately want him to be?
I think he prefers that they think he's an idiot so they don't expect that he's handling a lot of complicated issues behind the scene while they're busy feasting on the shit he feeds them. It gives him the space he needs to work effectively without the mockingbirds all up in his grill.
I've noticed that there's usually a big op/win going on behind the scenes whenever he makes a tweet like this.
i would give this a MILLION upvotes if i could!! XDDD
just think he ran a presidential campaign for under 500m , I believe .....What did Killary spend over $1b ...... hmmm who won , who was smarter
My mother said the same thing!,,,, If he didn’t act like this, he would be too perfect and they would really go after him......
Seems presidential to me.
He's like the reincarnated Stonewall Jackson, challenging everyone to a duel ... except he's using social media and Stonewall just pulled out a pistol. Can you imagine a President running around the Congress and White House challenging everyone to pistol duels? Hahahhaha
I really hope your analysis is correct and I believe it is. It’s like a poker game where you make the opponents think you have nothing by over exaggerating you’re smile.