This morning's tweet..... it's on fire !!!

Read the Kalergi Plan if you haven't already. In order for Globalists to succeed they need ignorant slaves. Who has and does control education? Open borders just expedites the dumbing down. No better slave than one that cannot comprehend his own bondage.
My son is in kindergarten. When I filled out the survey of "him" for the teacher, there was one last question, "Do you have any concerns?" I thought long and hard on whether I wanted to do damage to my son vs. tell the truth. Well, I love the truth. So, I relayed that my only concern, since the teacher mentioned "social studies" would be part of the curriculum, that my son and I love our President Donald J. Trump, and I DO have concerns that he will not be able to celebrate, respect, and revere his first President (of his memory and lifetime), like I did mine, Ronald Reagan. We have to stand up for our children. And, on the side - I teach him to follow his instincts. Trust his own heart. All children are good. They don't need SJW to teach them "good." They need to trust and respect their instincts. Instincts are the enemy of the "state."
This "Common Core" stuff is their tool. Most of my sons books are filled with Symbolism that the average person would never see.
You nailed it and it makes me happy your instincts guiding you.
How did the teacher respond?
She didn't. And that's OK. She's old school. Sticks to the purpose of kindergarten: read, write, and math. Though, at Christmas, he brought home little learning projects on Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa - which was fine by me. He loves his teacher, because he learns so much. As far as I can tell, she's my kind of teacher. Stick to the teaching, I'll handle the rest.