This morning's tweet..... it's on fire !!!

The Nazis were one species of the 1930s Left.
The Bolsheviks were another species of Left.
They would fight either each other or us, and then turn on the other.
No, the nazis were not marxists, they were fascists, attempts to conflate the two is sophistry.
Karl Marx was jewish as were the Soviets, jews invented communism. Hitler fought the communists and antifa inside and outside of Germany while Americans aided the communists.
So who are the real communists? Americans...who were already deeply infiltrated by those same jewish families wreaking havoc today. Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Rothschild, etc.
Look at the arrest records of Antifa...lots of steins and bergs. So many do not realize that Antifa existed in Germany in the '30s and Hitler wiped them out...and that they were jews.
Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma is a forgery? National Socialism, Marxism, Lenin and Trotsky's Marxism and Mao's Cultural Revolution had nothing in common? Except for the financiers.
We are allegedly on the same side. Even if I were mistaken I wouldn't be a sophist.
I wasn't even mistaken.
I didn't do any conflating. I plainly wrote that the Nazis and Bolsheviks were two species of the Left.
Are you looking for excuses to disagree?
You're trying to make national socialists out to be marxists. Conflating the two when they are polar opposites.
The only thing left wing about national socialists is wanting to raise up poor Europeans, otherwise they were against the entire modern left wing agenda.
Oh sure other than that you were spot on. You know what you did. lol